Responsible consumption and sustainable lives

Responsible consumption and sustainable lives

Our Responsible Consumption and Sustainable Lives research group investigates the impact of the consumption behaviour of individuals and businesses. We combine design and social science expertise to address environmental and social sustainability.

We’re dedicated to studying how choices in daily consumption can contribute to positive changes and how we can collectively work towards a healthier, more sustainable world.

Our objectives

In exploring ways to reduce consumption and its societal impacts, we seek to:

  • investigate different routes to encourage responsible consumption behaviour
  • identify strategies for individuals and enterprises to live and operate sustainably
  • highlight awareness-raising efforts to promote responsible consumption
  • inform and educate about the benefits and methods of sustainable living
  • provide insights that inform policy decisions and contribute to a more sustainable future

Who we work with

We work with funding bodies to deliver social science research that tackles environmental and social sustainability, for example, the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), local universities, councils, and the British Academy.

Live projects

  • Researching student gambling as part of our sustainable lives aims, funded by the British Academy 
  • Tackling food wastage in underprivileged communities with Sheffield City Council
  • Investigating ‘dark kitchens’ food manufacturing and distribution with NIHR

Work with us

If you’re interested in ethical consumption and eco-friendly living, contact our research group leader, Sunil Sahadev.