Climate Action Strategy

Our Climate Action Strategy

Our commitments to help tackle the climate emergency.

Sheffield Hallam Climate Action Strategy - 2023

Climate Action Strategy

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing humanity. Our Climate Action Strategy sets out a whole-of-institution approach to tackling the climate emergency, with a number of ambitious commitments and initiatives that aim to make a positive contribution and embed climate awareness across everything we do at the University.

In 2021, we made a global pledge to tackle climate action by joining the UN Race to Zero, making a public commitment to deliver Net Zero on direct emissions by 2030, and to make significant progress on indirect emissions by 2038. Our Climate Action Strategy (PDF, 3.4MB) will help to guide us to achieve these targets, and it sets out a range of commitments in three key areas, set out below.

This is the first set of commitments in our new strategy. As we deliver on these, we will do more, setting out new ambitions to be more sustainable and tackle climate change.


Our Climate Action Strategy

Our commitments to help tackle the climate emergency.

Sheffield Hallam Climate Action Strategy - 2023

Our commitments

Our impact

We have worked with Arup, the sustainable development organisation, to understand our climate impact and current emissions. We now have a Carbon Management Tool to help us accurately track our progress against our targets and ensure evidence-based decisions, along with a robust breakdown of our environmental impact across Scopes 1 and 2 (direct emissions) and Scope 3 (indirect emissions). Take a look at our Climate Action Strategy (PDF, 3.4MB) for more information on our current impact and how we intend to manage this in the future.

Get involved

Our Climate Action Strategy will evolve and develop as new thinking, knowledge, technologies and policies emerge. We want our staff and student community to keep challenging and inspiring positive change.

Contact us at with any questions or suggestions to help guide our future work.