Biodiversity and green spaces

Biodiversity and green spaces

Within the Campus Management Climate Action Policy we have included a commitment to 'Engage in practices in both managing the existing estate and building new aspects that increase green spaces across the estate and promote healthy and biodiverse ecosystems.'

Measures and Targets

  • 2018/19 Baseline 273 species on site
  • Target to increase species and/or provision by 20% by 2030

How the University interacts with and impacts its surrounding environment is potentially significant within the ISO 14001 / 50001 systems and a holistic climate action approach. There are several activities in place which should positively impact the natural environment around the University campus, including the accelerated Campus Plan which will introduce significant new green spaces and the ongoing 3-year Grounds Management Plan, which includes diversifying planting, creation of wildflower areas and encouragement of both flora and fauna onto the Estate. The University has previously undertaken annual biodiversity surveys to assess the number of species on campus, which will continue to be undertaken as a measure of success of these schemes and data used to set ambitious biodiversity targets within the Accelerated Campus Plan.


Actions for the 2023/24 year include:

  • Conducting the 2023 biodiversity survey
  • Incorporate results into Campus Plan targets and remain on track to deliver
  • Continue to apply the Grounds Management Plan aligned with outcomes of biodiversity survey

We have identified the green infrastructure baseline of our estate and developed an action plan for delivery which clearly demonstrates the benefits. We also regularly review green infrastructure on popular student routes into the city and between campuses to identifying improvements.