PhD projects

PhD projects

Showing 9 articles

“We’re all equal here”: Racism and mental health nurse education in Scotland

Project by Freya Collier-Sewell exploring the fundamental racial realist contention that racism exists, and that it exists in the structures of our social institutions

A critical and cultural history of Sheffield DocFest, 1986 – 2019

Project by Anna Richards considering the heritage and cultural evolution of the festival, as well as using archival research and oral history to consider its origins, growth and formation.

Wyrd TV: Folklore, folk horror and British 1970s Television

Project by Diane Rodgers that combines the disciplines of folklore studies and screen studies to examine the on-screen representation of these themes.

Constructing and Representing Youth in 21st Century British Social Realist Cinema

Project by Lewis Kellett explores the construction and representation of youth in 21st Century British Social Realist cinema.

Exploring the Experience of Arab Female Cartoonists

Project by Afraa Alyoussef, exploring the conditions of practice and experience of some of the Arab women cartoonists currently in active service

Below the Line: Decentering Narratives from the Stanley Kubrick Archive

Project by Catriona McAvoy considering how intersectional methods can be used to find marginalised voices within the Stanley Kubrick Archive (SKA) and to explore their stories

French Nightmares - Contemporary Horror, Culture and Historical Trauma

Project by Oliver Hicks aiming to form a comparative study of modern French horror history

Embodying the Social Ghosts: Exploring ‘Social Haunting’ through movement and sound

Project by Max Munday that uses movement-based practices and improvisation to open up new ways to attend to the presence of troubling antisemitic pasts and possible better futures.

On London Buses: Heritage Practices in Everyday Life

Project by Amy Graham which develops research approaches into ‘heritage’ as both a locus of meaning (the heritage object) and a practice of meaning (a doing)