Support for PhD students

Support for PhD students

In working towards your PhD with CRESR, you could benefit from the following support mechanisms.

ESRC White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership

CRESR is a member of the ESRC White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership for the social sciences, a collaboration in between the Universities of Leeds, York, Sheffield, Bradford, Manchester Metropolitan, Sheffield Hallam and Hull. The WRDTP provides a wide range of opportunities for training, collaboration and networking with fellow postgraduate researchers across the UK. For more information see the WRDTP website.

High quality supervision

CRESR PhD researchers are supervised by leading academics with extensive experience of undertaking high quality research and academic scholarship. Supervision principally takes place through regular face-to-face meetings between PhD researchers and their supervisory teams. We have policies and support structures to ensure that supervision is of the highest quality.

You can read about our researchers who have successfully completed their studies.

Access to workspace alongside CRESR research staff

Our PhD researchers are considered an integral and vital part of our academic community. Students work directly alongside academic staff in the Centre, based within our offices in the heart of the University’s city campus. Doctoral students are invited to join one of our five research clusters. There are opportunities to engage in teaching and research within the University, providing experience critical to future employability.


Doing a PhD is highly rewarding but can also be challenging at times and having a peer support network around you can really make a difference in terms of being able to develop your ideas, share experiences and just generally put things in perspective. That's why we run a regular PhD Forum to provide a lively and informal environment in which to engage with academic debates and support each other in the process of doing a PhD.

The PhD Forum provides a programme of student-led activities and discussions alongside workshops with external speakers. It provides an excellent and supportive environment to present ideas and receive constructive feedback on any aspect of the PhD as well as to share experience on a range of topics including preparing for the Viva and career development.

Doctoral researchers can also access support from two wellbeing mentors in CRESR, including staff with extensive experience of conducting in-depth research on challenging subjects with vulnerable participants.

CRESR PhD showcase

This annual event takes place in September and provides CRESR’s PhD students with an opportunity to showcase their research to a broader audience, including academics from outside of the Centre and members of the policy and practice community. For more information please contact Sadie Parr at

CRESR seminar series

CRESR researchers have access to the Centre’s long-running and highly successful seminar series. Additionally, you'll have access to seminar series run in other parts for University, including events run by Sheffield Institute for Policy Studies, the Department of Nature and the Built Environment and Politics, Sociology and Politics.

Social and Economic Research Institute Graduate School

The Social and Economic Research Institute’s Graduate School provides additional, comprehensive administrative support for our PhD students. The Graduate School also offers scholarly advice and guidance, including an induction day and further seminars. In addition, the SHU Doctoral School provides access to a range training and skills development opportunities.

University facilities

As a member of the student population you'll also have access to a range of facilities, including the latest online resources and advanced research methods training modules. Our learning centres, library and IT services offer all the practical support you'll need to complete your studies. Find out more about University life and our facilities.

Get in touch

For further information please contact Sadie Parr at