Current students

Current students

These are our currents student and the work being undertaken by them.

Oluwaferanmi Adeyemo
The Changing Role of the Voluntary Sector in Delivering Youth Employment Services

Elpida Apostolopoulou

Understanding and Engaging with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as Participants in a Just Transition

Leanna Fairfax

From Homelessness policy to everyday lives - the importance of gender and the impact this has on single mothers ‘experiences of homelessness

Florence Gaughan
A Qualitative Exploration of Loneliness and Parenthood Among Young Mothers

Irene González Pijuan
Growing up in Energy Poverty

Becky Greenwood
Exploring the role of informal urban community support in homeless women’s sense of dignity

Laurie Heykoop
Green Jobs: The Low Carbon Economy and Labour Market Disadvantage

Ben Ledger-Jessop
Precarity among migrant workers and barriers to accessing formal support

Alice Perkins
Understanding the legacies of resident-led community regeneration in deprived neighbourhoods

Mia Rafalowicz-Campbell

Equity in the provision of active travel infrastructure - learning from a city-region approach

Jessica Scott
Exploring the meaning of ‘home’ for adults aged 18-35 living in long-term residential care

Molly Turrell 

Investigating Reproductive Experiences and Decision-Making Among Homeless Women in England and Australia

Josie Wilson
Active Travel and the School Commute