URL structure

URL structure

URLs allow search engines to establish context and so should be descriptive of the content on a web page. They also help search engines to understand the site structure which allows for PageRank to be passed down to deeper pages more effectively.

Choose a short but descriptive name for your page in the CMS. The page (item) name will be used as the page URL. For example a page name of ‘Careers support’ will be given a URL of /careers-support.

  • URLs should never be longer than 2,048 characters, ideally no more than three words.
  • Always use natural language. Special characters and symbols are unable to be used by Sitecore, use a space inbetween words.
  • The URL should describe the content of the page, but can be different to the page and menu title
  • Well-optimised URLs can serve as their own anchor text. If the link is directly shared in a forum, blogs, social media , search engines will use the language used in the URL to pass relevance on.