Recording with the mobile app

Recording with the mobile app

You can create a new recording of an event using the mobile app.  This is useful when in face-to-face sessions.  All recordings made on the mobile app with synchronise with the web app.


When starting an event, it is advisable to use collections to separate them into different groups. Click on the 4 squares icon and then the '+ New Collection' button. You can then name the collection and start to add events to it by clicking on the '+ New Event' button.
Blue button to create new collection
blue button to create new event

You can also choose to start an event that will not be saved under any collection if this is not appropriate for certain events or recordings. From the Home screen, you can click on the '+ New Event' button. 
Before you can start to record an event you must name it by typing in the ‘Add event name’ box 
text box to name the recording