Placement Providers

Placement Providers

Placement Providers

Below you will find links to a number of providers who we work with to offer placements across numerous areas of placements in health and social care. We work with a variety of NHS, local authority, private, independent and voluntary sector organisations to provide practice placement learning experiences. 

You are advised to contact your placement provider for further information when you are notified of your placement allocation, if you do not see their name listed on this page or on the PARE site or PEMS

Practice Based Learning Placement information - how students can find out more about their allocated placement

General information about the area can be found on the Practice Based Learning Placement Providers section of this website.  Profiles of information and guidance to help students to prepare for their allocated Practice Based Learning placement can be found on either PARE or PEMS.  The allocation notice will advise you whether your allocated Practice Based Learning placement is listed on PARE or on PEMS.


Before contacting a placement area listed on PARE, please view the area's profile which can be accessed via your PARE login on   

After you have logged onto your PARE account, please refer to the online, searchable PARE Guide which you can find via your account dashboard for information about how to use PARE to align your allocated placement to your PARE profile and to provide placement learning evaluation feedback.

Placement Education Management System (PEMS)

Before contacting a placement area listed on PEMS, please view the area's profile which can be accessed via your PEMS login.

You can link to PEMS here. Please use your PEMS login.

Please refer to the Student Quick Guide to PEMS (PDF, 134KB) for information about how to use PEMS.

Providers - If you are using PEMS to share information about placement learning, please ensure that you have read and adhere to GDPR as set out in the PEMS Privacy Notice (PDF, 210.3KB).

Students - You are advised to contact your placement provider directly for further information when you are notified of your placement allocation, if you do not see their name listed on this page or on PARE or PEMS