India video outrage

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India video outrage

Severyna Magill, Senior Lecturer in Law and Human Rights and Course Leader for the MA/LLM Applied Human Rights degree at Sheffield Hallam University, spoke to The Context, BBC News, about a viral video circulating in India depicting horrific sexual violence against women occurring in Manipur and what can be done in response

In July 2023, footage of the forced naked parading of two women from Manipur was widely shared on social media within India. A police complaint was also filed alleging the gang rape of one of the women by the men who abducted her. One month after the police complaint had been filed no-one had been arrested. The footage demonstrates how women’s bodies are used as weapons of conflict in communal conflicts. In July 2023, Severyna Magill, Course Leader for the MA/LLM Applied Human Rights at Sheffield Hallam University, spoke to The Context, BBC News about the video and violence against women within India.


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Magill, S., Indian women’s struggle against sexual violence has had little support from the men in power, The Conversation, July 27, 2023