Support services

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Support services

Hallam Legal Advice Centre

Hallam Legal Advice Centre provides a free, independent and confidential legal service to staff and students of the University and members of the public who are in need of legal advice or assistance. It is run as an integral part of the law degree programme.

Hallam Legal Advice Centre is a full legal pro bono service. Our students work on real civil law cases, prison law cases and criminal appeals under the supervision of qualified solicitors, from the first interview with the client. It gives students an insight into the pressures and demands of the legal profession, and gives students the opportunity to serve real clients from the local community.

Hallam Legal Advice Centre is run by students from the Department of Law and Criminology taking law degrees, under the supervision of academic staff who are qualified solicitors or barristers.

How our students benefit

We provide students with the opportunity to work on real-life cases under the supervision of qualified solicitors. This enables them to:

  • gain an invaluable insight into the pressures and demands of the legal profession
  • develop a wide range of transferable professional skills which enhance their employability

How our clients benefit

Hallam Legal Advice Centre serves the local community where there is a significant unmet legal need. We work collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure a commitment to legal excellence and social justice.

There is no charge for the advice and assistance that the Hallam Legal Advice Centre provides, but any expenses (such as court fees) must be met by the client. Clients are advised of what these expenses would be before committing themselves to any action.

Areas of law

We are currently able to assist with criminal appeals, family law (except for child maintenance or financial issues), prison law, small claims, defendant personal injury, and CICA.

We are unable to accept instructions from any person who wishes to pursue a claim against a university or Sheffield Hallam University, its governors, employees, or students.

Our joint aims are to provide practical legal experience for law students and to offer a thorough, accurate and reliable service to clients with legal difficulties. However, we reserve the right to decline any cases that do not complement the educational aims of the scheme.

If you require legal advice, please email us at

Standards and confidentiality

All advice provided by the Hallam Legal Advice Centre is under the overall supervision of the Supervising Solicitor, who is a practising solicitor and who is individually authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)

Clients can be assured that they will receive an independent and professional service in the same way as from any other practising solicitor.

All advice, assistance and representation is given in the strictest confidence.

Get in touch If you have a matter that you would like legal advice on please contact us at


Refugee Rights Hub staff members

HKC Refugee Rights Hub

The HKC Refugee Rights Hub, based at Sheffield Hallam University's Collegiate Campus, was fully established in September 2018. The Clinic trains undergraduate and postgraduate students to work alongside qualified OISC registered immigration and asylum specialists helping refugees navigate the complex processes and procedures for making refugee family reunification applications. The service is free of charge. Students are able to engage in direct client work and what often becomes complex casework. Students gain new skills and hone existing skills in taking instructions; working with interpreters; creating evidence bundles and using legal case management systems.

We were delighted that we were shortlisted for 'Best contribution by a Law School', in the LawWorks and Attorney General Student Pro Bono Awards 2021.


To find out more visit our HKC Refugee Rights Hub website.


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Contact the Helena Kennedy Centre to discuss facilities, partnerships, doctoral research and more

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