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Breast Cancer Radiotherapy

Study our Breast Cancer Radiotherapy module at Sheffield Hallam University and gain knowledge about the planning and delivery of adjuvan radiotherapy for early stage breast cancer.

Health and Wellbeing

Minor Injury Management

Minor Injury Management

Health and Wellbeing

Minor Illness Management

Minor Illness Management

Health and Wellbeing

Researching for Practice (Distance Learning)

Researching for Practice Distance Learning

Health and Wellbeing

Image Guided Radiotherapy

Image Guided Radiotherapy

Health and Wellbeing

Enhancing Practice in Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health

Enhancing Practice in Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health

Health and Wellbeing

Dissertation (45 credits)

Dissertation 45 credits

Health and Wellbeing

Leadership in Practice (Distance Learning)

Leadership in Practice (Distance Learning)

Health and Wellbeing

Contemporary Issues in Advancing Practice (distance learning)

Study the Contemporary Issues in Advancing Practice (distance learning) module at Sheffield Hallam University and learn how to examine key policy drivers and challenge or enhance your skills in key areas.

Health and Wellbeing

Inclusion and Approaches For People with Learning Disabilities Including Autistic People with a Learning Disability

Study our Inclusion and Approaches For People with Learning Disabilities Including Autistic People with a Learning Disability module at Sheffield Hallam University and develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding the health, wellbeing, personalised care, and support of people with learning disabilities and or autism.

Health and Wellbeing

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