Past and current projects

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Past and current projects

Read about our latest and current projects

Showing 8 articles, in Diversity and social justice

Integrating English into the Curriculum

Research project integrating English into the curriculum to improve pupils' language development

Children's communities evaluation

Research project with an ambitious approach to improve the lives of all children and young people in communities facing some of the most challenging circumstances across England

OFFA Access Agreements - Content and discourse analysis

Leading research on the widening participation agenda in the higher education sector in England using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Political Discourse Analysis (PDA)

Evaluation of the Government's anti-homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying in schools programme

An evaluation for the Government Equalities Office in England to provide a robust and independent assessment of the effectiveness of their anti-HBT bullying programme in schools

Understanding the impact of financial support on student success: an institutional approach

Research project helping to track the value and usefulness of HE student financial support

'Selfies' evaluation

Using arts-based methods to work with LGBTQ young people to address healthy sexual relationships

Evaluation of yOUTh project in Kirklees

Informing service delivery for LGBT youth through research and evaluation of yOUTh project

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