Past and current projects

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Past and current projects

Read about our latest and current projects

Showing 4 articles, in Early years

Infant Language Link

Evaluating the efficacy of a tiered language support programme for Y1 pupils through a clustered randomised controlled trial.

Counting Collections

Measuring the efficacy of a numeracy programme for pupils in reception classes through a clustered randomised controlled trial.

Talk With Tales for Children (TWiTCH)

The TWiTCH programme is based on the principles of Dialogic Reading. Through TWiTCH training, practitioners learn how to use a clearly structured intervention that builds on familiar Early Years practice (storytime and small group work) to improve the quality and quantity of adult-child interactions. The programme aims to strengthen practice and build practitioner skills and confidence, leading to regular, high-quality interactions which will increase vocabulary and the complexity of children’s language and their ability to express opinions.

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