Choosing the right undergraduate course

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Want to start uni in 2024? We've a huge variety of undergraduate courses available through clearing.

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Choosing the right undergraduate course

Help to find and choose an undergraduate course that's right for you

Choosing a course is an important decision, so take plenty of time to explore your options and make the right choice for you.

Use these steps to create a shortlist of courses.

Look for courses that interest you

Start by thinking about what you're good at and what you enjoy doing. What do you like about those things?

You might enjoy solving problems, using particular skills, or feeling like you are making positive change in the world.

Understanding your motivations can help you think about which courses and career paths are right for you. It's important you choose something you like and feel passionate about – most undergraduate degrees last 3 or 4 years.

Learn about types of course

Most students start with a bachelor's degree, but there are other types of course that might suit your interests, lifestyle, and commitments.

Bachelor's degrees

A bachelor's degree allows you to focus on what you love. It takes between three and five years to complete full-time.

Some courses include an extended period of work experience, called a placement. Some offer the opportunity to work for a master's degree.

Higher and degree apprenticeships

A higher and degree apprenticeship combines work, learning and earning money.

Apprenticeships can take between one and five years to complete. As an apprentice, your employer and the Government will pay your tuition fees.

Foundation years

Foundation years are an alternative route to studying a full degree. You take a one-year course which allows you to progress on to the first year of one of our undergraduate degree programmes.

Learn about possible careers

If you're interested in a particular career, look for jobs and find out what kind of experience employers want. You might be surprised at the types of degrees they accept.

Talk to someone you trust

Once you've researched the options available to you, talk them through with as many people as you can.

A friend, teacher, parent or guardian can help you think over what you've learned, and they might have ideas that you haven't considered.

Research the courses available

When you've decided what you'd like to study, do some research about the courses available and think about:

  • what you'd like to learn
  • how you want to be taught
  • what facilities will be available for you to use
  • what happens when you complete your degree
  • what other students think.

Our course pages include sections on modules, facilities, teaching methods and future career options, so take some time to read them in full.

Check the course entry requirements closely too. For some courses you might need specific qualifications or experience.

Changes to our courses

We’re working in consultation with our students on an exciting programme of changes for all taught courses. Read more about the upcoming changes.

What next?

Once you've chosen a course, you can start your application. It's also worth booking a place on an open day to find out more about the course and university.

On our open days you can select subject talks in advance, so it's easy to plan your day and find out more about what you want to study.


Apply for 2024

Want to start uni in 2024? We've a huge variety of undergraduate courses available through clearing.

Apply through clearing