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Our mentors share their knowledge, expertise and make introductions to other useful individuals and organisations.

Examples of how the network can help:

  • understanding public sector procurement
  • meeting digital health standards
  • complying with medical device regulations
  • securing private investment
  • improving your company's profile in the media
  • writing successful grant applications

A - F

Abdel-Karim Al Tamimi

Dr Abdel-Karim Al-Tamimi

Senior Lecturer of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University

Abdel's LinkedIn profile
Aejaz Zahid

Aejaz Zahid

Group Director of Innovation, PureHealth

Aejaz Zahid's LinkedIn profile
Agnes Crutchard

Agnes Crutchard-Balduz

Senior Market Intelligence Manager, Medipex

Agnes Crutchard's LinkedIn profile
Alan Ruddock

Dr Alan Ruddock

Associate Professor of Sport Physiology and Performance

Alan Ruddock's LinkedIn profile
Alessandro Di Nuovo

Prof Alessandro Di Nuovo

Professor in Computational Intelligence and Robotics, Sheffield Hallam University

Alessandro Di Nuovo's profile
Alice Bullas

Dr Alice Bullas

Research Fellow (Advanced Human Measurement), Sheffield Hallam University; UKRI Future Leaders Fellow

Alice Bullas' profile
Amber Jardine

Amber Jardine

Portfolio Support Manager, Mercia Ventures

Amber Jardine's LinkedIn Profile
Andy Maher

Andy Maher

Founder, Up and to the Right

Andy Maher's LinkedIn profile
Antony Davies

Antony Davies

Business Relationship Manager, Sheffield Hallam University

Antony Davies's LinkedIn profile
Arielle Le Brenne

Dr Arielle Le Brenne

Market Access Manager, Cochlear

Arielle Le Brenne's LinkedIn profile
Basudev Pal

Basudev Pal

Director, Technossus UK Ltd

Basudev Pal's LinkedIn profile

Dr Behrooz Behbod

Consultant in Public Health Medicine

Behrooz Behbod's profile
Ben Heller

Prof Ben Heller

Associate Professor, Centre for Sports Engineering Research, Sheffield Hallam University

Ben Heller's profile
Bernard McMahon

Bernard McMahon

Executive Chairman, Being Well Group

Bernard McMahon's LinkedIn profile
bethan vincent

Bethan Vincent

Managing Partner, Open Velocity

Bethan Vincent's LinkedIn profile
Carlos Da Silva 500x500

Carlos Eduardo da Silva

Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University

Carlos Eduardo da Silva's profile
Caroline Dalton

Dr Caroline Dalton

Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Genetics, Sheffield Hallam University

Caroline Dalton's profile
Catalina Cernica

Catalina Cernica

Head of Innovation Labs and Global Project Director, and CEO of the Health and Happiness Research Foundation, LEO Innovation Lab

Catalina Cernica's LinkedIn profile
Chris Dayson

Prof Chris Dayson

Professor of Voluntary Action, Health and Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University

Chris Dayson's profile
Chris Dymond

Chris Dymond

Founder, Unfolding Ltd and Co-founder & Director, Sheffield Digital

Chris Dymond's LinkedIn profile
Chris Griffiths

Dr Chris Griffiths

NHS Senior Research Fellow Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Chris Griffiths' LinkedIn profile
Chris Low

Dr Chris Low

CEO, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park

Chris Winter

Chris Winter

Chairman, Intermedi Group Ltd

Chris Winter's LinkedIn profile
Clare Lankester

Dr Clare Lankester

Technology Programme Manager, Neotherix Ltd

Clare Lankester's LinkedIn profile
Clive Flashman

Clive Flashman

Managing Director, Flashfuture Consulting; Director of Strategy, ORCHA Health ; Chief Digital Officer, Patient Safety Learning

Clive Flashman's LinkedIn profile
Dace Dimza-Jones

Dace Dimza-Jones

Deputy Head, Northern Powerhouse Life Sciences: Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals

Dace Dimza-Jones' LinkedIn profile
Danielle Miles

Dr Danielle Miles

Industry & Innovation Research Institute Innovation Manager – Sheffield Hallam University

Danielle Miles' LinkedIn profile
Darren Chouings

Darren Chouings

Business Incubation Manager, The Hallam i-Lab, Sheffield Hallam University

Darren Chouings' LinkedIn profile
David Curtis

David Curtis

Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Sports Engineering Research, Sheffield Hallam University

David Curtis' profile
Dipesh Hondocha

Dr Dipesh Hondocha

GP Partner and Digital Health Innovator, Westongrove Partnership

Dipesh Hondocha's LinkedIn profile
Dmitry Broshkov

Dmitry Broshkov

Chief Technology Officer, 2BWell & SmartDC

Dmitry Boshkov's LinkedIn profile
Doug Quinn

Doug Quinn

Partner, DSW Ventures

Doug Quinn's LinkedIn profile
Ee Bin Liew

Ee Bin Liew

Group Executive Director & Owner, Access-2-Healthcare

Ee Bin Liew's LinkedIn profile
Elizabeth Shassere

Elizabeth Shassere

Founder and CEO/Consultant, Textocracy

Elizabeth Shassere's LinkedIn profile

Dr. Elizabeth Young

Investment Manager, Par Equity

Elizabeth Young's LinkedIn profile
Em Scicluna

Em Scicluna

Manager, Future Fund, British Business Bank

Em Scicluna's LinkedIn profile
Francesca d Andrea

Dr Francesca d’ Andrea

Researcher (Sports Engineering), Sheffield Hallam University

Francesca d’ Andrea's LinkedIn Profile

G - L

Gloria Padmaperuma

Dr Gloria Padmaperuma

Technology Transfer (UK & Italy), Access-2-Healthcare

Gloria Padmaperuma's LinkedIn Profile
Greg Yeutter

Greg Yeutter

CEO, Restful; Principal Solutions Engineer, Segment

Greg Yeutter's LinkedIn Profile
Gregory Flint

Dr Gregory Flint

Innovation Strategy Consultant, Non Exec Director

Gregory Flint's Linkedin Profile
Gus Desbarats

Gus Desbarats

Innovation Strategy Consultant, Non Exec-Director, Alloy Industrial Design & Innovation

Gus Desbarats' LinkedIn profile
Helen Crampin

Dr Helen Crampin

CMO, National Innovation Centre for Ageing

Helen Crampin's LinkedIn profile
Helen Oldham

Helen Oldham

Board Member, UK Business Angels Association; Co-Founder, Lifted Ventures

Helen Oldham's LinkedIn profile
Helen Williams

Helen Williams

Business Owner, Coach and Investor

Helen Williams' LinkedIn profile
Henry Bell

Henry Bell

Head of Medical Technology

Henry Bell's LinkedIn profile
Hora Soltani

Hora Soltani

Professor of Maternal and Infant Health, Sheffield Hallam University

Hora Soltani's LinkedIn profile
Ivan Phelan

Ivan Phelan

Principal Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University; Director of the Impact VR Lab

Ivan Phelan's LinkedIn profile
Jacob Skinner

Jacob Skinner

Medical Device RA/QA Consultant, Med-Di-Dia Limited

Jacob Skinner's LinkedIn profile
James Culy 500x500

James Culy

Knowledge Transfer Manager, Innovate UK Business Connect

James Culy's LinkedIn profile
James Ridgeway

James Ridgeway

CTO and Founder at The Curve

James Ridgeway's LinkedIn profile
Jill Newton

Dr Jill Newton

Research Fellow, Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University

Jill Newton's LinkedIn profile
Jim Mellon

Jim Mellon

Chairman at Burnbrae

Jim Mellon's LinkedIn profile
Jims Marchang Ninshen

Dr Jims Marchang Ninshen

Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity and Research Co-Lead at AWRC (Technological and Digital Innovations to Promote Independent Lives)

Jims' LinkedIn profile
Jodie Keyworth

Jodie Keyworth

Deputy Director of Research & Innovation, Rotherham Doncaster & South Humber Foundation Trust

Jodie Keyworth's Linkedin Profile
Joe Gaunt

Joe Gaunt

Founder and CEO, zeno health group

Joe Gaunt's Linkedin Profile
Joe Handsaker

Dr Joe Handsaker

Consultant (Sport., Science, Technology and Start-Op – Handsaker Innovation

Joe Handsaker's LinkedIn profile
Jon Hart

Dr John Hart

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Sports Engineering Research, Sheffield Hallam University

John Hart's profile
Jonty Ward 500x500

Jonty Ward

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), Reach Technology Group

Jonty Ward's LinkedIn profile
Karen Wilkinson

Karen Wilkinson

Knowledge Transfer Manager for Health, Innovate UK Business Connect

Karen Wilkinson's LinkedIn profile
Kevin McDonnell

Kevin McDonnell

CEO, Datalla Group

Kevin McDonnell's LinkedIn profile
Kiley Tan

Kiley Tan

Director Mosaic International

Kiley Tan's LinkedIn profile
Kris Mackay

Kris Mackay

Business Growth Manager, South Yorkshire Housing Association

Kris Mackay's LinkedIn profile
Kristin Kaiser

Kristin Kaiser

Senior Bid Writer, Bid Thinking

Kristin Kaiser's LinkedIn profile
Lee Viney

Lee Viney

Regional Manager, Innovate UK (Yorkshire & Humber and the North East)

Lee Viney's LinkedIn profile
Leigh Greenwood

Leigh Greenwood

Owner, Evergreen PR

Leigh Greenwood's LinkedIn profile
Lindsay Georgopoulos

Dr Lindsay Georgopoulos

CEO, Medipex

Lindsay Georgopoulos' LinkedIn profile
Lindsey Cook

Lindsey Cook

Director of SoWhat? Healthcare Consultancy, Non-Executive Director, Chairperson and Trustee

Lindsey Cook's LinkedIn profile

M - R

Marc Rocca

Marc Rocca

CEO, Rocca Creative Thinking

Marc Rocca's LinkedIn profile
Mark Hitchman

Mark Hitchman

Managing Director and Canon Group Executive, Canon Medical Systems Europe

Mark Hitchman's LinkedIn profile
Mark Holmshaw

Mark Holmshaw

Director, MH Global Consultancy Ltd

Mark Holmshaw LinkedIn profile
Matthew Story

Dr Matthew Story

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Robots for Older Person Care, Sheffield Hallam University

Matthew Story's LinkedIn profile
Matthew Wells

Matthew Wells

UK & European Patent Attorney, Potter Clarkson

Matthew Wells' LinkedIn profile
Max Gowland 500x500

Dr Max Gowland

Founder, DrMaxHealth

Max Gowland's LinkedIn profile
Mark wilcockson

Mark Wilcockson

Senior Investment Manager - Regional Funds, British Business Bank

Mark Wilcockson's LinkedIn profile
Mel Kanarek

Mel Kanarek

Director at TigerNash and Sheffield Digital

Mel Kanarek LinkedIn profile
Melise Jones

Melise Jones

Business Development, The Curve

Melise Jones' LinkedIn profile
Michael Kipping

Dr Michael Kipping

Director, Medical Technologies – EMEAA, Elements Materials Technology

Michael Kipping's LinkedIn profile
Michael Thelwell

Dr Michael Thelwell

Research Fellow & Course Leader MSc Sports Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University

Mike Thelwell's LinkedIn profile
Michelle Kelly

Michelle Kelly

Managing Director, Bid Thinking

Michelle Kelly's LinkedIn profile
Mike Faulks

Mike Faulks

CTO and co-founder, Ioetec

Mike Faulks' LinkedIn profile
Morgan Killick

Morgan Killick

Founder & MD, LEVEL UP SOLUTIONS and Tech Scale-Up Adviser, Business Sheffield

Morgan Killick's LinkedIn profile
Neil Toner

Neil Toner

Workstream lead for enterprise & innovation, Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber

Neil Toner's LinkedIn profile
Neiloufar Family

Neiloufar Family

Managing Director, Haoma Associates

Neiloufar Family's LinkedIn profile
Neville Young

Dr Neville Young

Director of Enterprise & Innovation, Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber

Neville Young's LinkedIn profile
Nick Hamilton

Nick Hamilton

Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Sports Engineering Research Sheffield Hallam University

Nick Hamilton's profile
Ningrong Lei

Prof Ningrong Lei

Associate Professor in systems engineering & ICURe Entrepreneurial Lead, Sheffield Hallam University

Ninrong Lei's LinkedIn profile
Oliver Hart

Oliver Hart

GP Partner, Clinical Director Primary Care Network, Director of Peak Health Coaching

Oliver Hart's LinkedIn profile
Patrick Trotter

Dr Patrick Trotter

Head of Innovation and Commercialisation, Medilink North of England

Patrick Trotter's LinkedIn profile
Patrick Simpson

Patrick Simpson

Co-Founder and Partner, SHUFL Capital

Patrick Simpson's LinkedIn profile
Paul Chaplin

Paul Chaplin

Early Stage Incubation Specialist

Paul Chaplin's LinkedIn profile
Paul Dimitri

Prof Paul Dimitri

Professor of Child Health & Consultant Paediatric Endocrinology, Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Trust

Paul Dimitri's LinkedIn profile
Paul Inness

Paul Inness

Coach, Mentor, Trainer, Intensive Marketing

Paul Inness' LinkedIn profile
Paul Ridgeway

Paul Ridgeway

Founder and Director, The Curve

Paul Ridgeway's LinkedIn profile

Phil Hornby

Director, Consultant, Trainer, for product people

Phil Hornby's LinkedIn profile
Reza Saatchi 500x500

Prof Reza Saatchi

Professor of Electronics (Medical Engineering), Sheffield Hallam University

Reza Saatchi's profile
Richard Hall

Richard Hall

Director – QMS Consultancy Ltd

Richard Hall's LinkedIn profile
Richard Basgallop

Richard Basgallop

Innovation & Growth Specialist at @Innovate UK EDGE North

Richard Basgallop's LinkedIn profile
Richard Moore

Richard Moore

CTO, LOHA Health Ltd

Richard Moore's LinkedIn Profile
Richard Whitmore

Richard Whitmore

Co-Founder and Partner, SHUFL Capital

Richard Whitmore's LinkedIn profile
Rob Copeland

Prof Rob Copeland

Director of the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University

Robert Copeland's profile

S - Z

Sam Deakin Hill

Samantha Deakin

head of Growth, PreSeed Now

Sam Deakin-Hill's LinkedIn profile
Scott Nicol 500x500

Scott Nicol

Senior Research Nurse, NIHR Clinical Research Network

Scott Nicol's LinkedIn profile
Shirley Harrison

Shirley Harrison

Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, AMRC

Shirley Harrison's LinkedIn profile
Simon Baker

Simon Baker

Startup and Developer Advocate, IBM

Simon Baker's LinkedIn profile
Simon Goodwill

Dr Simon Goodwill

Director of the Centre for Sports Engineering Research, Sheffield Hallam University

Simon Goodwill's profile
Simon Shibli

Prof Simon Shibli

Head of the Sport Industry Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University

Simon Shibli's profile
Dr. Soumya Sankar Basu

Dr. Soumya Sankar Basu

Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering and Computer Science, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr. Soumya Sankar Basu's LinkedIn profile
Stephen Cardwell

Stephen Cardwell

General Partner, Anticus Partners

Stephen Cardwell's LinkedIn profile
Stephen Taylor-Parker's LinkedIn profile

Stephen Taylor-Parker

Head of Business Development, Medipex

Stephen Taylor-Parker's LinkedIn profile
Steve Haake

Prof Steve Haake

Professor of Sports Engineering Director of Engagement at Advanced Wellbeing and Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University

Steve Haake's profile
Steve Thompson

Dr Steve Thompson

Senior Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning, Sheffield Hallam University

Steve Thompson's LinkedIn profile
Tanweer Ahmed

Dr Tanweer Ahmed

Innovation Manager, Health Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University

Tanweer Ahmed's LinkedIn profile
Tanya Turgoose

Tanya Turgoose

Industry Operations Manager, Clinical Research Network

Tanya Turgoose's LinkedIn profile
Terry Senior

Terry Senior

Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Sports Engineering Research, Sheffield Hallam University

Terry Senior's profile
Tim Latham

Tim Latham

Head of Data Intelligence – Simoda Limited

Tim Latham's LinkedIn profile
Thomas Averre

Thomas Averre

Founder and Director, Tarleton Communications

Thomas Averre's LinkedIn profile
Tom Cooke

Thomas Cooke

Account Director, Quiddity Health

Thomas Cooke's LinkedIn profile
Thomas Harriso

Thomas Harrison

Managing Director, NorthSky Design and Kingcraft

Thomas Harrison's LinkedIn profile
Thomas Milton

Thomas Milton

Co-Founder, CTO – Amodo Design, Galeos

Thomas Milton's LinkedIn profile
Thomas Pannell

Thomas Pannell

Co-Founder, NorthSky Design

Thomas Pannell's LinkedIn profile
Tom kaye

Tom Kaye

Investment Manager, Northern Gritstone

Tom Kaye's LinkedIn profile
Tom Lindley

Tom Lindley

Founder & Director, TRL Healthcare Innovation

Tom Lindley's LinkedIn profile
Tom Maiden-Wilkinson

Prof Tom Maden-Wilkinson

Associate Professor in Musculoskeletal Health, Sheffield Hallam University

Tom Maiden-Wilkinson 's LinkedIn profile
Tom Saltmer

Tom Saltmer

Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor, Partner of Burgess Hodgson

Tom Saltmer's LinkedIn profile
Vanessa Stainthorpe

Vanessa Stainthorpe

Partner and Patent Attorney HGF Limited

Vanessa Stainthorpe's LinkedIn profile
Vee Mapunde

Vee Mapunde

Programme Director, NIHR Surgical MedTech Co-operative

Vee Mapunde's Linkedin Profile
Victoria Betton

Dr Victoria Betton

Director, PeopleDotCom

Victoria Betton LinkedIn profile
Wilfrid Girard

Wilfrid Girard

Independent Medtech Consultant

Wilfrid Girard's LinkedIn profile

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