Publications scheme

Publications scheme

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires the University and other public authorities to make information available proactively through a publication scheme. The publication scheme sets out what kinds of information Sheffield Hallam University routinely makes available to members of the general public and how you can get it without needing to make a formal written request.

Sheffield Hallam University has adopted the model publication scheme devised by the Information Commissioner and has produced a directory of information for members of the public which is based on the seven classes of information set out in the model scheme.

Who we are and what we do 
What we spend and how we spend it
What our priorities are and how we are doing
How we make decisions
Our policies and procedures
Lists and registers
The services we offer

In many cases the information contained in the Publication Scheme is available on our website. For other information contained in the scheme, you may need to phone us or email us and we will send you the information. We will aim to do this within 3-5 working days.

There is no charge for any of the information contained in the scheme.

The University has a number of wholly owned subsidiary companies which are also included under the FOI legislation. The Information Commissioner's model publication scheme has been adopted for these companies and there is a directory of information for each.  The publication schemes for the University's wholly owned subsidiary companies (PDF, 259.4KB) are available to download. All enquiries about these schemes should be sent to

The Students' Union is not covered by the Sheffield Hallam University publication scheme. Information about the Students' Union can be found on the Union web site.

Please note that a publication scheme relates to 'published' information. Therefore, material covered has already been prepared in a format ready for distribution. If the information you require is normally delivered online only and you would prefer a paper copy, we will provide a print out of the relevant web pages, where the format allows us to do so. Where the scheme provides an external web link to another organisation, it is not possible to provide paper copies of documents and enquiries about this information should be directed to the organisations concerned.

The information contained in the scheme can be made available in alternative formats for disabled users. Please contact the Information Governance Team by email

Please note that regulations and policies may change from year to year. Older versions may be replaced by newer versions and in some cases there may be several versions of a document, each version applying to a different period of time or a different intake of students. Only current versions of information listed in the scheme are available unless otherwise stated. Generally, archived material is not available via the scheme and you would need to make a written request to access this information.


The publications listed in this publication scheme are the copyright of Sheffield Hallam University and reproduction of material supplied through the publication scheme or in response to a request for information without the express permission of Sheffield Hallam University may be an infringement of copyright. Requests for permission to reproduce such material and further information about copyright obligations should be addressed to:

The University Secretary
Sheffield Hallam University
City Campus
Howard Street
S1 1WB

Sheffield Hallam University is not responsible for the content of external websites