Effectiveness of the Board of Governors

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The University's Board and Committee papers and legal documents.

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Effectiveness of the Board of Governors

External context

The post-1992 universities are Higher Education Corporations whose governing bodies are entrusted with public funds. They have a particular duty to ensure that they are fulfilling the highest standards of corporate governance at all times and discharging their responsibilities with due regard for the proper conduct of public business. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) were among the public spending bodies examined by the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life. Members of such bodies are therefore expected to observe the Seven Principles of Public Life drawn up by that Committee which are Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership.  

At Sheffield Hallam University

The Board of Governors is committed to best practice in all aspects of corporate governance and to regular monitoring of its performance. We aim to conduct our business in accordance with the principles identified in the Committee on Standards in Public Life and the Committee of University Chairs (CUC) Higher Education Code of Governance (the Code).

Element 5.13 of the Code (September 2020) states that ‘HEIs must conduct a regular, full and robust review of governance effectiveness with some degree of independent input.  This will provide assurance to internal and external stakeholders and allow a mechanism to focus on improvement and chart progress towards achieving any outstanding actions arising from the last effectiveness review.  It is recommended this review take place every three years.’

Evaluation of a Governing Body's Effectiveness

The last review was carried out in 2020/21 and the reports executive summary is available to view (PDF, 187.1KB).

Reviews of committee effectiveness are carried out annually and are reported in an annual report to the Board of Governors.

Adopting the CUC Code of Practice

The Board of Governors reaffirmed its adoption of the Code in March 2022.

Key documents

The University's Board and Committee papers and legal documents.

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