Notable recipients

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Notable recipients

Since 1993 Sheffield Hallam University has awarded doctorates to those who have achieved distinction in their field.

Many of these names you may recognise for having excelled in their profession.

Notable recipients

Albie Sachs

Albie Sachs

Awarded Doctor of Laws for his achievements in human rights activism.

Louis Theroux

Louis Theroux

Awarded Doctor of Arts for his contribution to broadcast journalism and documentary film-making

Richard Hawley

Richard Hawley

Awarded Doctor of the University for his outstanding contribution to music and the city of Sheffield

Professor Sir Paul Collier

Professor Sir Paul Collier CBE, FBA

Awarded Doctor of Education for his contribution to scholarship

Tunde Okewale

Tunde Okewale MBE

Awarded Doctor of Laws for his achievements as a barrister and commitment to social justice and civil liberty

Kim Streets

Kim Streets

Awarded Doctor of Arts in recognition of her outstanding career in the heritage and arts sector

Ayo Akinwolere

Ayo Akinwolere

Awarded Doctor of Letters For his contribution to journalism and broadcasting

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