Art, Design and Media Research Centre

Art, Design and Media Research Centre

Train tracks and city buildings at night
© Esther Johnson

The Art, Design and Media Research Centre (ADMRC) is an established centre of excellence that foregrounds creative, arts-led approaches to applied research that interacts with and transforms society and culture.

A group of people in an art gallery. They are looking upwards at stars projected onto a large black canvas above them.

CCRI Impact Blog

News, events and publications from ADMRC and our sister centres in the Culture and Creativity Research Institute

Image from the 'Alone Together' project. Three women sit together on a bench

Art Design Media Research Archive

Our research archive showcases work from ADMRC and Lab4Living that contribute outputs to the Research Excellence Framework

Featured projects

Cover of Amplified: A Design History of the Electric Guitar. It shows the book title above a red guitar with a cream scratchplate, looking down the guitar from behind the bridge, with the neck and head in the background.

Amplified: A Design History of the Electric Guitar

Examining the guitar as a technological object, cultural icon and social construct

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Title graphic from the film Asunder. It shows an aerial photo of a river, with industrial buildings and terraced housing around it. The name of the film is overlaid.


The story of an English town during the first world war, told through archive and contemporary footage

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Lab4Living logo

Enhancing dignity and quality of life: Lab4Living

Lab4Living develops products, services and interventions impacting on health and wellbeing

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A still from the From Scotland with Love film. A group of schoolchildren run across a playground

From Scotland with Love

Using cinematic processes to investigate national identity, memory and culture

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A photo from a theatre performance. A seated woman is holding hands with a man standing over her. She looks like she is upset. He shows little emotion. A man in the background is crouching, and appears to be aiming a gun at something out of shot.

Thought Curfew

A lyrical performance that explores how communities can be rendered unthinking

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A rock face with an iPhone shape carved into it. The iPhone area has a lighter colour where the exterior rock has been removed, and there is a home button carved into it at the bottom.

Kuannersuit; Kvanefjeld

Exploring the impact of large-scale uranium mining on communities in Greenland

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A woman dancing alone in the middle of a suburban street. The street is long, wide and straight, with wide grass verges either side. There is a patch of tall trees in the background on the left, and a large house can be seen behind them.

A Soft Rebellion in Detroit 

Questioning the cultural representation of post-industrial cities

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People with placards standing either side of a path. Each placard has a single word on it, and together they read 'Let no one enter who does not know geometry'. The path runs through a country landscape, with grass either side and trees in the background.


A multi-modal work that created the largest sculpture ever exhibited at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

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Cover of James Corazzo's report on graphic design research. The cover is black, and on the left there is a cluster of white dots of varying sizes, giving the effect of an undulating 3D form.

The Challenges for Graphic Design in Establishing an Academic Research Culture

Examining criticisms of graphic design work in the REF 2014 panel overview report

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Lise Autogena

Lise Autogena

Head of ADMRC and Professor of Cross Disciplinary Art

Lise Autogena's profile
Paul Atkinson

Paul Atkinson

Professor of Design and Design History

Jim Roddis

Jim Roddis

Emeritus Professor of Design

Art, Design and Media Research Centre logo. The letters A, D, M, R and C in a circle.

Meet the full team

More details of ADMRC researchers

Our people

Part of the Culture and Creativity Research Institute

CCRI is the University's largest community of researchers. It brings together specialisms across the following research centres:

  • Art, Design and Media Research Centre
  • Centre for Culture, Media and Society
  • Humanities Research Centre
  • Lab4Living
Culture and Creativity Research Institute logo