Placement Providers

Placement Providers

Practice Based Learning Placement information - how students can find out more about their allocated placement

General information about our main placement providers can be found on this page.  Profiles of information and guidance to help students to prepare for their allocated Practice Based Learning placement can be found via links on PEMS.

You are advised to contact your placement provider for further information when you are notified of your placement allocation, if you do not see their name listed on this page or on the PARE site or PEMS

Students - You can link to PEMS here using your SHU single sign on login to find out more about your placement. Please refer to the Student Quick Guide to PEMS (PDF, 134KB) for information about how to use PEMS.

Providers - If you are using PEMS to share information about placement learning, please ensure that you have read and adhere to GDPR as set out in the PEMS Privacy Notice (PDF, 210.3KB). You can link to PEMS here. Please use your PEMS login.

Placement Providers

Below you will find links to a number of providers who we work with to offer clinical placements. We use numerous small, independent and voluntary sector placements, including GP practices, hospices, nursing homes, and dialysis centres for student placements.

You are advised to contact your placement provider for further information when you are notified of your placement allocation, if you do not see their name listed on this page or on the PARE site or PEMS

Ashgate Hospice, Chesterfield

Barlborough Hospital

Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Barnsley acute services)

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Claremont Hospital

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust

Doncaster Park Hill Hospital

Leicester - University Hospitals Leicester NHS Foundation Trust

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Nottingham City Care Partnership CIC

Portland College

Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH)

Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (including Kings Mill, Mansfield Community and Newark Hospital sites)

South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (Barnsley community services)

St Lukes Hospice, Sheffield

Thornbury Hospital, Sheffield

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust