Support on placement

Support on placement

There are lots of different people at Hallam who are here to help support you with your placement. The people you might know already are your course team and our Hallam Help service. Find out more about support for different aspects of your placement experience.

Student support video

Getting used to a working environment can be challenging, especially in the early transition from university to full-time employment. If you feel that you are struggling, then talk to one of your advisers below before you take any action, such as resigning.  

Student Support Triangle

You have access to three dedicated advisers while you are studying and this includes your time on placement, in either a placement that’s part of a work experience module or a sandwich placement. 

Student Support Model at Hallam
Student Support Triangle
Student Support Adviser

Student Support Advisors can help with any pastoral issues during your time at university, this includes whilst you are on placement. Contact them through Hallam Help.

Academic Adviser / Placement Academic Adviser

Academic Advisers can help you with your academic progression, personal development, and professional development throughout your time at Hallam; enabling your successful transition into the working world. They can help talk you through your placement ideas and industry or job preferences and how you can best apply your degree on placement while getting the most out of the experience. 

When you’re on a sandwich placement, you will have a Placement Academic Supervisor (or equivalent) – this is usually the same academic who helped you to get your placement approved. They are also there to help you set goals for the placement and guide you through the work you need to complete

Employability Adviser 

Employability advisers can help with your pre-placement preparation. They can support you with applications and interview preparation, along with signposting you to resources tailored to your personal placement search.  They can also discuss how to secure long-term employment after placement and how you can apply your placement experience and learning to future graduate employment.

Your Employability Adviser is still available throughout your placement year if you need them.

Work Experience Team

For all types of placement, you have access to Work Experience Specialists from the Work Experience Team. This is the team who will help you to get your placement approved and they are available throughout your placement, in addition to your named student support triangle advisers and other specialist services. Contact the Work Experience Team if you have any questions about your placement. 

Your line manager 

Don’t forget, while you are on placement, your primary source of pastoral and developmental support will often be your line manager, but University staff are here too, to support you with the work you need to complete and answer any queries you have throughout the placement. 

Bullying, harassment, discrimination, and abuse

Sheffield Hallam is a safe and tolerant community. We don’t stand for harassment or abuse. If you have experienced sexual violence, harassment, abuse, or hate crime report it either anonymously or get support from an adviser. The University’s report and support service is also available to you, should you ever need it or would like to make an anonymous report. More information can be found on the Report + Support website.

Bullying, harassment, discrimination, and abuse - report and support video

Placement Reps

These are final year students who completed their placement previously. They might have some useful advice for you based on their previous experience of doing a placement in the same city, industry, or organisation. Find out more about getting help from Placement Reps.

Specialist support services

In addition to the above, find out more about Sheffield Hallam’s other sources of specialist support: 

Struggling on placement 

Depending on your concerns you can talk to either your Placement Academic Superviser (or equivalent) who is your first point of contact, your Student Support Adviser, or your Employability Adviser who are all here to help talk through any concerns you may have. In addition, you still have full access to the University’s support services, such as student wellbeing, accessible through MyHallam.