Playing a Recording

Playing a Recording

Once you have opened an event you can then choose to review the notes on their own or download the accompanying audio and images to your device as well. Just click the Event Media button to download.
download audio button in Glean mobile app
showing downloaded audio and slides in the Glean mobile app
showing playback speed options of 0.5x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x and 2x and audio clean up functions

With the audio downloaded, you can now click on the play button to listen back to your recording. You can skip forwards and backwards in the recording using the buttons each side of the play button – these will skip 5 seconds in either direction.

Clicking on the 1x to the right of the playback buttons will display playback settings.  Here you can adjust the speed of playback as well as apply audio clean up functions to improve the audio quality and reduce any background noise.

When playing back a recording, as each time stamp for each label is reached, it will be highlighted so you can see exactly what notes you wrote at that exact point in the recording.

The example here shows an important point being highlighted in red.  Items labelled as Review will be highlighted in yellow.
showing highlighted point in red to signify it as important