Ian Wilson

Ian Wilson BA, MSc

CRESR Deputy Director and Professor of Policy Research and Evaluation


Ian Wilson is the Deputy Director of CRESR and a Professor of Policy Research and Evaluation. He has nearly 20 years’ of experience in undertaking applied policy research and evaluation. Ian has been awarded over £15 million of research and evaluation income as a principal or co- investigator. He has worked with a range of commissioning bodies, including the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Local Government, Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Education, Welsh Government, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Power to Change, Energy Systems Catapult, the British Red Cross, Save the Children, the Northern Housing Consortium, Flagship Housing Group and Wakefield and District Housing. This work has supported over 100 published research outputs. Currently he is deputy lead for CRESR’s involvement in a £10 million call off agreement with DLUHCs Housing and Planning Division.


Ian’s research interests focus on the following three issues:

  • How do public and social policy interventions affect people and communities, especially those in most need?
  • How do we measure and value the impact of public and social policy interventions on people and communities?
  • How do policies interact with place and person specific factors to affect the level and nature of outcomes for people and communities?

Ian has considerable expertise and experience in economic evaluation and econometric/statistical analysis. This includes the application of Cost Benefit Analysis (including the economic valuation of impacts), economic impact analysis, analysis of financial accounts, survey research and the use of advanced statistical methods in the analysis of cross-sectional, multi-level and longitudinal datasets. Much of his work has involved devising innovative methods and solutions for these methods. For example: producing an evaluation measure of a Young Person's work readiness; creating a costing model to monetise the effects of complex need projects on the usage of statutory services; and pioneering work to monetise the value of 'perceptional' outcomes from regeneration programmes, which would become the Treasury’s WELLBY approach.

Research interests

  • measuring and valuing impact of policy interventions
  • provision and affordability of housing
  • impact of place-based interventions targeted at social and economic inequalities and disadvantage


College of Social Sciences and Arts

  • Welfare reform and labour markets
  • Regeneration and economic development
  • Voluntary and community sector
  • Vulnerable groups
  • Measuring outcomes and impact


2024 What older people want? A rapid evidence assessment on what older people want, and can afford, when it comes to their housing choices when looking to move, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). Role: Director.

2023-2029 Evaluation of Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) 2021-26, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Role: Partner lead.

2022-2023 Evaluation of Energy Systems Catapult Warm Home Prescription project. Energy Systems Catapult.

2022-2023 Research on the size, cost and demand of the supported housing sector in Great Britain, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Role: Director.

2022-2023 Impact and Value for Money of Energy System Catapults Warm Home Prescription project, Energy System Catapult. Role: Director.

2021 Impact of Change in Park Homes Sales Commission, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Role: Impact assessment lead.

2020-2025 Evaluation of Community Renewal’s Lifting Neighbourhoods Together project, Community Renewal. Role: Director.

2020-2023 Family Hubs Evaluation, Department for Education. Role Impact and Value for Money lead.

2012-2020 Evaluation of Talent Match, BIG Lottery. Role: Lead quantitative analysis.


Robinson, D., Green, S., & Wilson, I. (2019). Housing options for older people in a reimagined housing system: a case study from England. International Journal of Housing Policy. http://doi.org/10.1080/19491247.2019.1644020

Hickman, P., Kemp, P.A., Reeve, K., & Wilson, I. (2017). The impact of the direct payment of housing benefit: evidence from Great Britain. Housing Studies, 32 (8), 1105-1126. http://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2017.1301401

Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2017). Does locality make a difference? The impact of housing allowance reforms on private landlords. Housing Studies, 32 (7), 948-967. http://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2017.1291911

Wilson, I. (2013). Outcomes for 'stayers' in urban regeneration areas: the New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Urban Research & Practice Online ISSN 1753-5077, 6 (2), 174-193. http://doi.org/10.1080/17535069.2013.808444

Wilson, I. (2012). Using shadow pricing to value outcomes from regeneration programmes: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Town Planning Review, 83 (6), 669-694. http://doi.org/10.3828/tpr.2012.42

Lawless, P., Foden, M., Wilson, I., & Beatty, C. (2010). Understanding area-based regeneration: The New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Sage Urban Studies Abstracts, 47 (2), 257-275. http://doi.org/10.1177/0042098009348324

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2010). Area-based regeneration partnerships and the role of central government: the New Deal for Communities programme in England. Policy and Politics, 38 (2), 235-251. http://doi.org/10.1332/030557309X462141

Wilson, I., Lawless, P., Grimsley, M., & Foden, M. (2010). Linking interventions to outcomes in area regeneration: The New Deal for Communities Programme in England. Town Planning Review, 81 (2), 151-172. http://doi.org/10.3828/tpr.2009.32

Fothergill, S., & Wilson, I. (n.d.). A million off Incapacity Benefit: how achievable is Labour's target? Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31 (6), 1007-1023. http://doi.org/10.1093/cje/bem029

Gilbertson, J., & Wilson, I. (n.d.). Measuring participation at a local level: Be careful what you ask for! People, Place and Policy Online, 78-91. http://doi.org/10.3351/ppp.0003.0002.0002

Conference papers

Sanderson, E., Wells, P., & Wilson, I. (2015). Young people's resilience and involvement : possible elements of the European Union's Structural and Investment Funds in addressing youth unemployment? In Challenges for the New Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020 : An Academic and Policy Debate, Riga, 4 February 2015 - 6 February 2015. http://www.regionalstudies.org/conferences/conference/challenges-for-the-new-cohesion-policy-in-2014-2020-an-academic-and-policy

Book chapters

Sanderson, E., Wells, P., & Wilson, I. (2016). Resilience and involvement: the role of the EU's Structural and Investment Funds in addressing youth unemployment. In Bachtler, J., Berkowitz, P., Hardy, S., & Muravska, T. (Eds.) EU cohesion policy: reassessing performance and direction. (pp. 127-139). Abingdon: Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781315401867


Archer, T., & Wilson, I. (2023). The Affordability of Community-Led Homes: Research Summary. Sheffield: Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-affordability-of-community-led-homes-research-summary

Clark, L., Coldwell, M., Pearson, S., Willis, B., Wilson, I., Byrne, E., ... Reaney-Wood, S. (2023). Family hubs innovation fund evaluation: Final research report City of Doncaster. London: Department for Education.

Crisp, R., Leather, D., Mcmullan, J., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2023). Review of neighbourhood regeneration. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2023.6940123501

Crisp, R., Leather, D., Mcmullan, J., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2023). A return to neighbourhood regeneration? Reassessing the benefits of a national strategy for neighbourhood renewal. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2023.8346046274

Smith, R., & Wilson, I. (2023). Warm Homes Prescription Impact and Value for Money Report. Sheffield: Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2023.2331857585

Haywood, A., Dayson, C., Garside, R., Foster, A., Lovell, B., Husk, K., ... Wilson, I. (2023). National Evaluation of the Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing Project: Interim Report Summary - September 2021 to September 2022. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/gsp-interim-report-summary-sept-2021-to-sept-2022

Haywood, A., Dayson, C., Garside, R., Foster, A., Lovell, B., Husk, K., ... Wilson, I. (2023). National Evaluation of the Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing Project: Briefing Document - Interim Report - September 2021 to September 2022. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/gsp-interim-report-briefing-sept-2021-to-sept-2022

Haywood, A., Dayson, C., Garside, R., Foster, A., Lovell, B., Husk, K., ... Wilson, I. (2023). National Evaluation of the Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing Project: Appendices to Interim Report - September 2021 to September 2022. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/gsp-interim-report-appendices-sept-2021-to-sept-2022

Haywood, A., Dayson, C., Garside, R., Foster, A., Lovell, B., Husk, K., ... Wilson, I. (2023). National Evaluation of the Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing Project: Interim Report - September 2021 to September 2022. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/gsp-interim-report-sept-2021-to-sept-2022

Carter, C., Clark, L., Coldwell, M., Hatton, A., Pearson, S., Reaney-Wood, S., ... Wilson, I. (2022). Family hubs evaluation interim report: Doncaster. Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1123746/Family_Hub_Evaluation_Innovation_Fund_Interim_report-Doncaster.pdf

Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2022). This-Ability: SROI analysis. Sheffield: Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/this-ability-sroi-analysis

Batty, E., Crisp, R., Gilbertson, J., Martin, P., Pardoe, J., Parkes, S., ... Wilson, I. (2022). Working well early help: final annual report 2022. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2022.6213791987

Wilson, I., Dunning, R., Gu, Y., Lord, A., MacDonald, J., & Moore, T. (2022). The impact of a change in the maximum park home sale commission. Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-impact-of-a-change-in-the-maximum-park-home-sale-commission

Bimpson, E., Reeve, K., Batty, E., Chambers, J., Goodchild, B., Mccarthy, L., ... Wilson, I. (2022). Local authority enforcement in the private rented sector: headline report. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-authority-enforcement-in-the-private-rented-sector-headline-report/local-authority-enforcement-in-the-private-rented-sector-headline-report

Wilson, I., Batty, E., Leather, D., & Harris, C. (2022). Community Renewal: Lifting Neighbourhoods Together Evaluation Baseline. https://issuu.com/communityrenewal/docs/lnt_evaluation_baseline

Batty, E., Crisp, R., Gilbertson, J., Martin, P., Pardoe, J., Parkes, S., ... Wilson, I. (2021). Working well early help annual report 2021. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2021.1032611143

Wilson, I., & Crisp, R. (2021). West Yorkshire finding independence: an impact and value for money assessment. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/west-yorkshire-finding-independence-an-impact-and-value-for-money-assessment

Leather, D., & Wilson, I. (2020). The Economic and Social Impact of Racing in Yorkshire. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-and-social-impact-of-racing-in-yorkshire

Batty, E., Harris, C., Leather, D., Pearson, S., Wilson, I., Carter, C., ... Willis, B. (2020). Children’s Communities final evaluation report. Save the Children, UK. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/childrens-communities-final-evaluation-report

Damm, C., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wells, P., & Wilson, I. (2020). Talent Match Evaluation: Understanding the impact and value of Talent Match. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2020.2031246178

Damm, C., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wells, P., & Wilson, I. (2020). Talent Match Evaluation: Technical Appendix Report. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2020.7420650207

Damm, C., Green, A., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wells, P., & Wilson, I. (2020). Talent Match Evaluation: A Final Assessment. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2020.1739253459

Crisp, R., Fletcher, D., Parr, S., & Wilson, I. (2020). West-Yorkshire Finding Independence (WY-FI): Effectiveness, outcomes and impact - Final evaluation report 2020. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/west-yorkshire-finding-independence-wy-fi-effectiveness-outcomes-and-impact---final-evaluation

Archer, T., Wilson, I., Parkes, S., Batty, E., & Harris, C. (2019). Our assets, our future: the economics, outcomes and sustainability of assets in community ownership. Power to Change. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/our-assets-our-future-the-economics-outcomes-and-sustainability-of-assets-in-community-ownership

Archer, T., Green, S., & Wilson, I. (2018). Effective housing for people on low incomes in the Welsh Valleys. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. https://www.jrf.org.uk/report/effective-housing-people-low-incomes-welsh-valleys

Gilbertson, J., Leather, D., Mccarthy, L., & Wilson, I. (2018). An evaluation of Cash Smart Credit Savvy: Final Report. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/an-evaluation-of-cash-smart-credit-savvy-final-report

Batty, E., Pearson, S., Wilson, I., Coldwell, M., Stiell, B., & Willis, B. (2018). Children's Community evaluation 2017 report. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/childrens-community-evaluation-2017-report

Archer, T., Green, S., Leather, D., Mccarthy, L., Wilson, I., Robinson, D., & Tait, M. (2018). Older people's housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/older-peoples-housing-care-and-support-needs-in-greater-cambridge-2017-2036

Batty, E., Harris, C., Leather, D., Pearson, S., Wilson, I., Coldwell, M., ... Willis, B. (2018). Children's Communities programme evaluation 2018 report. Save the Children UK. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/childrens-communities-programme-evaluation-2018-report

Batty, E., Foden, M., Green, S., Mccarthy, L., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2017). Evaluation of Extra Care Housing in Wales. Cardiff: Welsh Government. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/evaluation-of-extra-care-housing-in-wales

Batty, E., Foden, M., Green, S., Mccarthy, L., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2017). Evaluation of extra care housing in Wales: Executive summary. Cardiff: Welsh Government. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/evaluation-of-extra-care-housing-in-wales-executive-summary

Cole, I., Green, S., Pattison, B., Reeve, K., & Wilson, I. (2017). Capping aspiration : the millennial housing challenge. Sheffield Hallam University for the Sovereign Housing Association. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/capping-aspiration-the-millennial-housing-challenge

Green, S., Pattison, B., Reeve, K., & Wilson, I. (2016). How affordable is affordable housing? Norwich, UK: Flagship Group. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/how-affordable-is-affordable-housing

Green, S., & Wilson, I. (2016). Implementing direct payment of Housing Benefit: an evaluation of Circle Housing's HB2U pilot project. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/implementing-direct-payment-of-housing-benefit-an-evaluation-of-circle-housings-hb2u-pilot-project

Pattison, B., Tyler, P., Wells, P., & Wilson, I. (2016). Regeneration revival? Making housing-led regeneration work across England. Sheffield: Chartered Institute of Housing. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/regeneration-revival-making-housing-led-regeneration-work-across-england

Pattison, B., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2016). Tenant perception of the Right to Buy extension : evidence from the Big Tenant Survey. Sheffiled: Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/tenant-perceptions-of-the-right-to-buy-extension-evidence-from-the-big-tenant-survey

Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2015). Talent Match Evaluation and Learning Contract: 2013-19 - Common Data Framework: Annual Report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research; Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/talent-match-evaluation-and-learning-contract-2013-19---common-data-framework-annual-report

Green, S., Robinson, D., Wilson, I., Barnes, S., Batty, E., & Sanderson, E. (2015). The housing options of older people in Doncaster. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-housing-options-of-older-people-in-doncaster

Eadson, W., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2015). Houses into Homes: Final evaluation report. Welsh Government Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/houses-into-homes-final-evaluation-report

Foden, M., Green, S., Robinson, D., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2015). The Economic Impact of Social Housing Organisations in Northern Ireland. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research; Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-social-housing-organisations-in-northern-ireland

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Kemp, P., Wilson, I., Green, S., & Dayson, C. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 18 month stage reports. Department for Work and Pensions. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/direct-payment-demonstration-projects-18-month-stage-reports

Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Hickman, P., & Dayson, C. (2014). Direct payment demonstration projects: Key findings of the 18th months' rent account analysis exercise. London: Department for Work and Pensions. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/direct-payment-demonstration-projects-key-findings-of-the-18-months-rent-account-analysis-exercise

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Kemp, P., Wilson, I., & Green, S. (2014). Direct payment demonstration projects: Key findings of the programme evaluation. Final report. London: Department for Work and Pensions. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/direct-payment-demonstration-projects-key-findings-of-the-programme-evaluation

Eadson, W., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2014). Houses into Homes - Third interim evaluation report. Welsh Government Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/houses-into-homes---third-interim-evaluation-report

Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Hickman, P., & Dayson, C. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: Key findings of the 12-months’ Rent Account Analysis exercise. Department for Work and Pensions. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/direct-payment-demonstration-projects-key-findings-of-the-12-months-rent-account-analysis-exercise

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Green, S., & Kemp, P. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: Rent underpayment. Department for Work and Pensions. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/direct-payment-demonstration-projects-rent-underpayment

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Green, S., Dayson, C., & Kemp, P. (2014). Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 12 month stage reports. Department for Work and Pensions. http://www.shu.ac.uk/research/cresr/sites/shu.ac.uk/files/dwp-research-summary-dpdp-12-month-stage-reports.pdf

Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Green, S., Dayson, C., & Kemp, P. (2014). DWP Research Summary - Direct Payment Demonstration Projects: 12 month stage reports. Department for Work and Pensions. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/dwp-research-summary---direct-payment-demonstration-projects-12-month-stage-reports

Batty, E., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2014). Promoting mobility through mutual exchange: Learning lessons from the housing mobility demonstration projects. Department for Communities and Local Government. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/promoting-mobility-through-mutual-exchange-learning-lessons-from-the-housing-mobility-demonstration

Bashir, N., Cronin De Chavez, A., Gilbertson, J., Tod, A., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2014). An evaluation of the FILT Warm Homes Service: Summary report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/an-evaluation-of-the-filt-warm-homes-service-summary-report

Bashir, N., Cronin De Chavez, A., Gilbertson, J., Tod, A., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). An Evaluation of the FILT Warm Homes Service. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/an-evaluation-of-the-filt-warm-homes-service

Pearson, S., Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). myplace Impact Evaluation Report. Big Lottery Fund.

Eadson, W., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2013). Houses into Homes: Second interim evaluation report. Welsh Government Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/houses-into-homes-second-interim-evaluation-report

Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). Wigan state of the voluntary sector 2013. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/wigan-state-of-the-voluntary-sector-2013

Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). Trafford state of the voluntary sector 2013. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/trafford-state-of-the-voluntary-sector-2013

Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). Tameside state of the voluntary sector 2013. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/tameside-state-of-the-voluntary-sector-2013

Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). Salford state of the voluntary sector 2013. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/salford-state-of-the-voluntary-sector-2013

Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). Greater Manchester state of the voluntary sector 2013. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/greater-manchester-state-of-the-voluntary-sector-2013

Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). City of Manchester state of the voluntary sector 2013. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/city-of-manchester-state-of-the-voluntary-sector-2013

Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). Borough of Oldham state of the voluntary sector 2013. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/borough-of-oldham-state-of-the-voluntary-sector-2013

Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Sanderson, E., & Wilson, I. (2013). Bolton state of the voluntary sector 2013. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/bolton-state-of-the-sector-voluntary-sector-2013-a-report-on-social-and-economic-impact

Eadson, W., Green, S., Reeve, K., Robinson, D., & Wilson, I. (2013). Houses into Homes: First interim evaluation report. Welsh Government Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/houses-into-homes-first-interim-evaluation-report

Bashir, N., Dayson, C., Batty, E., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). myplace evaluation: Final report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/evaluation-of-myplace

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). myplace evaluation: Summary report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-summary-report

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Sanderson, E., Wilson, I., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2013). Evaluation of myplace: Technical report. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-technical-report

Dayson, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2013). The economic impact of housing organisations on the North: Wakefield and District Housing. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-housing-organisations-on-the-north-wakefield-and-district-housing

Dayson, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2013). The economic impact of housing organisations on the North: Draft case study report - Stockport Homes Ltd. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-housing-organisations-on-the-north-stockport-homes

Dayson, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2013). The economic impact of housing organisations on the North: Helena Partnerships. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-housing-organisations-on-the-north-helena-partnerships

Dayson, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2013). The economic impact of housing organisations on the North: Leeds Federated Housing Association Ltd. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-housing-organisations-on-the-north-leeds-federated

Dayson, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2013). The economic impact of housing organisations on the North: Liverpool Housing Trust. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-housing-organisations-on-the-north-liverpool-housing-trust

Dayson, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2013). The economic impact of housing organisations on the North: St Leger Homes of Doncaster. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-housing-organisations-on-the-north-st-leger-homes-of-doncaster

Dayson, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2013). The economic impact of housing organisations on the North: Durham City Homes. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-housing-organisations-on-the-north-durham-city-homes

Dayson, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2013). The economic impact of housing organisations on the North. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-housing-organisation-on-the-north

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Platts-Fowler, D., Sanderson, E., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2012). myplace Impact Evaluation Interim Report. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-impact-evaluation-interim-report

Bashir, N., Batty, E., Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Platts-Fowler, D., Sanderson, E., ... Wolstenholme, C. (2012). myplace impact evaluation interim report: executive summary. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/myplace-impact-evaluation-interim-report-executive-summary

Beatty, C., Cole, I., Kemp, P., Marshall, B., Powell, R., & Wilson, I. (2012). Monitoring the impact of changes to the Local Housing Allowance system of housing benefit: Summary of early findings. Department for Work and Pensions. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/monitoring-the-impact-of-changes-to-the-local-housing-allowance-system-of-housing-benefit

Wells, P., Hickman, P., Dayson, C., Walshaw, A., Batty, E., Gore, T., ... O'Toole, C. (2012). Village SOS Project Evaluation. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/village-sos-project-evaluation

Dayson, C., & Wilson, I. (2011). Demonstrating the value for money of third sector activity in Rotherham: Case study evidence. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/demonstrating-the-value-for-money-of-third-sector-activity-in-rotherham-case-study-evidence

Dayson, C., & Wilson, I. (2011). Demonstrating the value for money of third sector activity in Rotherham: Case study report: Kites Parenting Support. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/demonstrating-the-value-for-money-of-third-sector-activity-in-rotherham-case-study-report

Dayson, C., & Wilson, I. (2011). Demonstrating the value for money of third sector activity in Rotherham: Case study report: Age Concern Rotherham's Hospital Aftercare Service. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/demonstrating-the-value-for-money-of-third-sector-activity-in-rotherham

Beatty, C., Fothergill, S., & Wilson, I. (2011). England’s Smaller Seaside Towns: A benchmarking study. Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/englands-smaller-seaside-towns-a-benchmarking-study

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2011). Technical report: NDC national evaluationphase 2. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/ndc-technical-report

Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2011). The Economic Impact of Horseracing in Yorkshire. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-economic-impact-of-horseracing-in-yorkshire

Dayson, C., & Wilson, I. (2011). Salford State of the Sector Survey 2010. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/salford-state-of-the-sector-survey-2010

Hickman, P., Walshaw, A., Gore, T., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I. (2011). “The Houses all Look Posh Now” - Evaluating the Impact of a Housing Improvement Programme: The Case of Portobello and Belle Vue. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-houses-all-look-posh-now---evaluating-the-impact-of-a-housing-improvement-programme

Hickman, P., Walshaw, A., Gore, A., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I. (2011). “The Houses all Look Posh Now” - Evaluating the Impact of a Housing Improvement Programme: the Case of Portobello and Belle Vue - Key Findings and Policy Messages. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-houses-all-look-posh-now---key-findings-and-policy-messages

Pearson, S., Lawless, P., Beatty, C., Batty, E., Foden, M., & Wilson, I. (2010). New Deal for Communities Evaluation Final Report, Volumes 1 to 7. Communities and Local Government.

Dayson, C., Pearson, S., Crisp, R., & Wilson, I. (2010). The experience of third sector subcontractors in the European Social Fund 2007-13 Programme. Third Sector European Network. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-experience-of-third-sector-subcontractors-in-the-european-social-fund-2007-13-programme

Gore, T., Dayson, C., Eadson, W., Gilbertson, J., Lawless, P., Phang, Z., ... Wilson, I. (2010). Assessing the Value and Benefits of Groundwork. Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/assessing-the-value-and-benefits-of-groundwork

Demack, S., Platts-Fowler, D., Robinson, D., Stevens, A., & Wilson, I. (2010). Young People and Community Cohesion: Analysis from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE). Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/young-people-and-community-cohesion

Beatty, C., Fothergill, S., Gore, A., & Wilson, I. (2010). The Seaside Tourist Industry in England and Wales. Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-seaside-tourist-industry-in-england-and-wales

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2010). Involving local people in regeneration: Evidence from the New Deal for Communities programme - The New Deal for Communities national evaluation: Final report – Volume 2. Communities and Local Government. http://www4.shu.ac.uk/research/cresr/sites/shu.ac.uk/files/ndc-evidence-ndc-programme-vol2.pdf

Beatty, C., Brennan, A., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Tyler, P., Warnock, C., & Wilson, I. (2010). The New Deal for Communities Programme - Assessing impact and value for money: The New Deal for Communities National Evaluation - final report – volume 6. Communities and Local Government. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-new-deal-for-communities-programme-volume-six---assessing-impact-and-value-for-money

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2010). Making deprived areas better places to live: Evidence from the New Deal for Communities programme -The New Deal for Communities national evaluation: Final report – Volume 3. Communities and Local Government. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-new-deal-for-communities-programme-volume-three---making-deprived-areas-better-places-to-live

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2010). Improving outcomes for people in deprived neighbourhoods: Evidence from the New Deal for Communities programme - The New Deal for Communities national evaluation: Final report – Volume 4. Communities and Local Government. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-new-deal-for-communities-programme-volume-four---improving-outcomes-for-people-in-deprived

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2010). The New Deal for Communities experience: A final assessment - The New Deal for Communities evaluation: Final report – Volume 7 executive summary. Communities and Local Government. http://www4.shu.ac.uk/research/cresr/sites/shu.ac.uk/files/ndc-a-final-assessment-vol7-exec-summary.pdf

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2010). Exploring and explaining change in regenerationschemes: evidence from the New Deal forCommunities Programme - The New Deal for Communities National Evaluation: Final report – Volume 5. Communities and Local Government Publications. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-new-deal-for-communities-programme-volume-five---exploring-and-explaining-change-in-regeneration

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2010). The New Deal for Communities experience: a final assessment - The New Deal for Communities evaluation: Final report – Volume 7. Communities and Local Government. http://www4.shu.ac.uk/research/cresr/sites/shu.ac.uk/files/ndc-a-final-assessment-vol7.pdf

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2010). The new deal for communities experience: a final assessment - executive summary. Communities and Local Government. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-new-deal-for-communities-experience-a-final-assessment---executive-summary

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Wilson, I., & Pearson, S. (2010). The new deal for communities experience: a final assessment. Communities and Local Government. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-new-deal-for-communities-experience-a-final-assessment

Pearson, S., Beatty, C., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2009). Residential Mobility and Outcome Change in Deprived areas: Evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme. Communities and Local Government.

Beatty, C., Fothergill, S., & Wilson, I. (2009). Seaside Towns in Wales: A 'benchmarking' Study. Sheffield Hallam University. http://www.shu.ac.uk/research/cresr/sites/shu.ac.uk/files/seaside-towns-wales.pdf

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Wilson, I., Lawless, P., & Crisp, R. (2009). Understanding and tackling worklessness: lessons and policy implications: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme. Communities and Local Government Publications. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/understanding-and-tackling-worklessness-lessons-and-policy-implications

Beatty, C., Crisp, R., Foden, M., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2009). Understanding and tackling worklessness volume 2: neighbourhood level problems, interventions, and outcomes: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme. Communities and Local Government Publications. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/understanding-and-tackling-worklessness-volume-2

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2009). Transformational change? A synthesis of new evidence 2008-09: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme. Communities and Local Government Publications. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/transformational-change-a-synthesis-of-new-evidence-2008-09

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Grimsley, M., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2009). Four years of change? Understanding theexperiences of the 2002–2006 New Dealfor Communities Panel: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme main report. Communities and Local Government Publications. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/four-years-of-change-understanding-the-experiences-of-the-2002-2006

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., & Wilson, I. (2009). An overview of cross-sectional change data 2002-2008: evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme. Communities and Local Government (CLG). https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/an-overview-of-cross-sectional-change-data-2002-2008

Wells, P., Dayson, C., Wilson, I., & Hems, L. (2009). Third Sector and Recession: an initial quantitative assessment. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/third-sector-and-recession-an-initial-quantitative-assessment

Beatty, C., Fothergill, S., & Wilson, I. (2008). England’s Seaside Towns: A ‘benchmarking’ study. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/englands-seaside-towns-a-benchmarking-study

Beatty, C., Foden, M., Wilson, I., & Lawless, P. (2008). New Deal for Communities: a synthesis of new programme wide evidence 2006-07: NDC national evaluation phase 2 research report 39. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/new-deal-for-communities-a-synthesis-of-new-programme-wide-evidence-2006-07

Flint, J.F., Green, S., Hunter, C., Nixon, J., Parr, S., Manning, J., ... Sanderson, D. (2007). The impact of local antisocial behaviour strategies at the neighbourhood level. Scottish Government Social Research. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-impact-of-local-antisocial-behaviour-strategies-at-the-neighbourhood-level

Wilson, I., Cole, I., Lawless, P., & Manning, J. (2007). The Moving Escalator? Patterns of Residential Mobility in NDC Areas. (Research Report 32). Communities and Local Government. https://extra.shu.ac.uk/ndc/downloads/reports/The%20NDC%20moving%20escalator[1].pdf

Pearson, S., Lawless, P., Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., & Wilson, I. (2005). New Deal for Communities 2001-2005: An Interim Evaluation, NRU Research Report 17. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit.

Wilson, I., Beatty, C., Cole, I., Grimsley, M., & Hickman, P. (2005). Housing and the Physical Environment: Will residents stay and reap the benefits? Neighbourhood Renewal Unit/Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. https://extra.shu.ac.uk/ndc/downloads/reports/Housing_will%20residents%20stay&reap%20the%20benefits.pdf

Wilson, I., Beatty, C., Dibben, C., Goyder, L., Grimsley, M., & Manning, J. (2005). Health of NDC Residents: Who has the most togain? Neighbourhood Renewal Unit/Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. https://extra.shu.ac.uk/ndc/downloads/reports/Health_who%20has%20the%20most%20to%20gain.pdf

Wilson, I., Beatty, C., Grimsley, M., Lawless, P., & Manning, J. (2005). Fear of crime in NDC areas: how do perceptions relate to reality? Neighbourhood Renewal Unit/Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. https://extra.shu.ac.uk/ndc/downloads/reports/Fear%20of%20crime_perceptions%20relate%20to%20reality.pdf

Wilson, I., Grimsley, M., Hickman, P., Lawless, P., & Manning, J. (2005). Community involvement and social capital. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit/Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. https://extra.shu.ac.uk/ndc/downloads/reports/community%20involvement%20and%20social%20capital.pdf

Theses / Dissertations

Skropke, C. (2023). Community assets in changing times: Exploring ownership, Covid-19 and the opportunity context. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Archer, T., Ferrari, E., & Wilson, I. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00562

Baxendale, J.K. (2015). Understanding 'what works': Evidence based regional policy making in England. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Wells, P., & Wilson, I.

Postgraduate supervision

Ian would welcome discussion on supervising students around any of the following areas

  • provision and affordability of housing
  • measuring and valuing the impact of policy interventions
  • place-based interventions targeted at social and economic inequalities and disadvantage


Ian is an economist, Deputy Director of CRESR and a Professor of Policy Research and Evaluation in the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR). He has extensive research experience on urban and regional issues, wellbeing, the measurement and assessment of impact and the valuation of outcomes. Ian has worked on research and evaluation projects sponsored by a range of commissioning bodies, including government departments, voluntary organisations and Regional Development Agencies.

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