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NHS Talking Therapies
Easy to access NHS talking therapy in Sheffield for Low Mood and Anxiety
Request support from NHS
Information and support sessions from Student Wellbeing. Book a place without registering.
Browse available group sessions
Learning Contracts
Get adjustments to your study and assessment when you are struggling
Contact Disabled Student Support Team
Free access to wellbeing courses, assessments, resources and online community 24/7
Register for a free online account
Skills Centre
Support with study skills - webinars and teaching on key topics and 1:1 support
See the study support available
Student Support Adviser
First point of contact for a range of personal difficulties
Book an appointmentSupport for alumni
After leaving university, you can continue to access the Student Wellbeing website and any of the self help materials which do not require a registration or access to a student email address. If you have recently graduated or left the university, you can access the Togetherall platform for up to 6 months as long as you joined the online community with your student email address before you left.