Mindview online

Mindview online

MindView Online is the web-based version of Mindview. It allows you to access Mindview from any computer or tablet with an internet connection.

Mindview Online can be accessed via your Mindview subscription. It is not available for SHU staff who use Mindview via AppsAnywhere.

How to access Mindview Online

Go to www.mindviewonline.com and log in using the same credentials (username and password) that you use for both Mindview and Mindview Assist.

screenshot of online login page

Open an Existing Mindmap 

When using Mindview on your desktop, if you are logged in you will have the option to save your mind map to your own personal Mindview Drive. In MIndview Online you can then access your Mindview Drive in the Open folder under File

screenshot of mindview drive location in menu

Create a Mind Map

If you are away from your usual computer you can use Mindview Online to create a mind map online. Most essential Mindview features are available in Mindview Online.

screenshot of online homepage

Here is how Mindview Online looks when you create a new mind map.

screenshot of default map view

Mindview online does not include the Outline, Timeline and Gantt views.

See our guide that details how to create a mindmap. You can also access any research collected using the mobile app Mindview Assist.

For a full list of tools in Mindview online see this comparison table.

Mindview home page