

Once you have structured and annotated your mindmap you now have the option to use some of the alternative views to add time management information.

On the right side of the screen you can see a Task Tab – when pressed a bar will open with options to amend the task information relating to the topic or sub topic, including start and end dates.

MindView interface with the task/timeline tab expanded and some dates filled in for a branch.

You will also see an option to include any inputted task information on the ‘Task System‘ (more on this later)

You can now use the outline view to see an overview of all your task information in a contents style.

MindView toolbar with the outline option selected via mouse hover
An in depth tabular view of the tasks in a mindmap. The table includes the branch name, start date, end date, priority, percentage completion, resources and attachments for each of the tasks
If you prefer a visual representation of your project press the timeline option from the view list
MindView toolbar with the timeline option selected via mouse hover

You will now see a linear timeline of all the task information you have inputted into the task bar or outline view.


Timeline view in Mindview

You have the option to show both the outline and the timeline view by clicking on the outline tab on the left side of the screen when in the time line view.

Table displaying the timeline outline with the tasks and corresponding start and end dates for each.
task information include in task system tick box

You can see an overview of all major tasks/assignments in one go using the Task System. Firstly, when an assignment title, topic or sub topic is selected, tick the 'include in task system' box in the task bar, then press 'Synchronise All Tasks' on the bottom right of the screen.  Then press on the File tab and choose Task System.


Task system option displayed under the file tab

The Task System offers you a list and/or calendar view and a duration filter option.  

list of all task contained in the task system display

For a quick overview of what tasks you have outstanding in a single project/assignment you can use the Kanban view. Kanban is an agile project management tool designed to help visualise work, limit work-in-progress, and maximize efficiency (or flow). In the Kanban view you can move individual topics/sub topics across 3 designated columns; not started, in progress and completed.

the task bar pop out showing the percentage completion options

Whilst in the mind map view, select a topic/sub topic and open the Task panel.  Under Task information choose a completion percentage that represents the amount of work completed on that topic/subtopic.  This will then dictate the column the topic/sub-topic sits under in the Kanban view (0% not started, 5% to 95% in progress, 100% completed). Next, go to the view tab and select Kanban.

the highlight Kanban icon from the view menu
You will then see a visual overview of the progress of all the topics/sub-topics for the live project you have open.      
the kanban view showing tasks that are either not started, in progress or completed