Information for autistic students

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Information for autistic students

You don’t need to have a formal diagnosis of autism to access the activities, events and support organised by Inclusive Support.

Autistic student stories: What to expect at Sheffield Hallam University

Here are some personal stories from autistic students about their university experiences.

Information day

We have an information day for pre-entry autistic students each July. The aim of the day is to help you become familiar with the University, to learn about some of the support available, to meet some staff and, if you want to, to socialise with each other.

We email invitations, followed by detailed information of the event, to students who declare that they are autistic in their application to the University. We normally send the invitations each April or May.  

Orientation: Finding your way around

Peer support/social activities

Organised by Inclusive Support

We organise social activities for pre-entry autistic students in August and September. We continue to organise social and peer support activities throughout the year.

Students’ Union

The Students' Union has a lot of societies. Joining a society can be a good way to meet people who share your interests. Here is a template email (DOCX, 12.3KB) that you can use to contact any societies you would like to join.

Parents/Supporting adults

You may have enquiries about your child but we may not always be able to answer them. You can read our privacy notice regarding sharing information here. We do know that the transition to university can be a big change for parents and supporting adults as well as for students. Please see our Parents and Carers web page for information and advice.

Quiet Spaces 

For rest 

There is a quiet room in the Multifaith Space, Level 2 Owen Building. It is a good place to go to get away from the often busy university environment.

The quiet room

For study 

The libraries have silent and quiet areas for study.

Resource Description
Clockwork tomato  Time management 
Forest  For focus
Habitica  Habit building and productivity
Hold  Blocks digital distractions
Smart Steps  Decision making / social skills support
Time tree  A shareable calendar
Trello  A visual tool for organisation

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