Blackboard Ultra

Blackboard Ultra

Blackboard, which is primary accessed through MyHallam, is our online teaching platform and provides a virtual learning environment where you can access your modules. Blackboard Ultra is a new interface for Blackboard sites which is mobile-friendly and more accessible. It is being used only on a limited number of courses such as art and design courses (all levels), tourism and hospitality (level 4 modules only), and some distance learning courses. If you have not been told by your tutors that you are using Blackboard Ultra, you should refer to the guidance on the original Blackboard interface

On your Blackboard module sites you expect to find: 

  • your course materials
  • recorded lectures
  • assessment information
  • online submission points
  • your grades and feedback as they're updated by your lecturers

What to find on Module sites 

The tools academics use on Blackboard sites can vary, but will generally include the following:  

Module Information – information about the module generally, including the staff teaching on it and how the module will work. 

Assessment - information on assessments or tests, such as essay briefs or assessment criteria and assessment submission points will be available in this area. 

Key Learning Materials - materials relating to mandatory lectures/seminars on the module, for example lecture slides or handouts. 

Announcements – key updates and reminders from your module teaching team.  

Gradebook - access to the feedback and grades from previous assignments on the module. 

Discussions, Groups and other Collaborative tools – tools your module tutors may use which allow collaboration and communication with your peers.