How do I upload my work to Turnitin?
Previously, students needed to upload their work to a separate Turnitin point to generate their similarity report before submitting their work to the assignment submission point, but since the move to Blackboard Ultra, that is no longer necessary. Normally as you submit your assignment in Blackboard, it will also generate the similarity report in Turnitin. Occasionally, your module leader may require you to submit to a separate Turnitin point, but they will instruct you when this is the case.
Academic staff have been advised to set submission points to ‘unlimited attempts’. This means you can submit your work to generate a similarity report, then rework it as needed, and then submit it again, repeating until you are happy with it. Academic staff will mark the last submission received.
If you experience difficulties when submitting, please check Turnitin’s system requirements and supported browsers page.
Step 1. To submit your work, navigate to the submission point on the module Blackboard site. Usually, the submission point is in the Assessment or Reassessment folder. Click on the submission point to open it.
Step 2. Click in the text box to make the tools options appear.
Step 3. You can drag and drop your work into the text box, use the paperclip option to browse for your file(s), or you can click the (+) symbol to upload it from Cloud Storage e.g. your Onedrive account.
Step 4. After a few seconds, the [Submit] button will become available. Click it to Submit your work.