BioFurniture (IMPUMFAID) Improving Materials Properties using Modified Flax and Innovative Design
This project seeks to establish whether modified bio-composite sheet materials made from renewable natural resources can be used as viable alternatives to compressed sheet and petrochemical based materials currently used in the production of furniture designs.
Tactile Sounds
The tactile sounds system is a versatile modular vibro-acoustic furniture system that can be used by users with sensory impairment to explore the world of meaningful sounds through vibration in therapeutic, educational and recreational environments.
The Practices and Circumstances that shape Product Attachment in the Home
My article-based PhD contributes to research on design and sustainable consumption, by exploring how and why we keep things.
RSA Spinal Injury Design Workshops
This Lab4Living project relates to Design and Rehabilitation, an RSA initiative which began in 2009, to teach design to people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) as a route to independence, resourcefulness and greater control over their lives.
Incredibles - Off-Space exhibition
Under the heading INCREDIBLES Zellweger explores the uncanny but also spectacular side of medical body modification and toys with its psychological implications; the lengthening of limbs (phantom limbs), improved performance (plug-ins & add-ons), impossible body parts, optional aesthetics, variations and choice (from the INCREDIBLES series).
Friction stirred mokume gane
Mokume gane is a high value, decorative laminate material used in the jewellery industry. Production of mokume gane is difficult and expensive at both small scale and industrial levels.
PhD case study - Open Design for Medical Products
Involving users in the design of medical products appears to be ‘common sense’; the notion that an individual that lives with a particular condition has a unique insight into life with that condition appears self-evident.
Telecare and Health Technologies - CLAHRC 2
Telehealth and Care Technologies is a core theme of Collaboration in Leadership for Applied Research and Healthcare (NIHR). The overarching aim of this theme, led by the University of Sheffield, is to produce a step change in knowledge and practice in the design and use of telehealth and care technologies in services that are effective, cost-effective and are usable by the broadest possible range of people.
NHS Packaging Assessment
Alaster Yoxall works to eliminate poorly performing packaging from the supply chain through informing suppliers about ISO17480 and encouraging packaging to be tested, and if it fails, working with the Design Futures team to help with the redesign
The 'State of the Art' of Design Theory and Practice in Healthcare
In recent years there has been growing interest in the potential of design approaches to transform health care.