

Exploring and coming to terms with your sexuality is an important part of human development, particularly during early adulthood. It can be referred to as sexual orientation but, put simply, it is about understanding the sexual feelings and attractions we feel towards others.

We can support you to discuss and find out more about this topic both in person and through self-guided materials. Have a look at some resources that we have collected which can be a good starting point if you want to explore and understand issues related to your sexuality.

Note: we hope that the resources below are useful, but we do not endorse the opinions expressed by other parties.


Self-help materials you can print, or download and save.

Resource Description
Stonewall coming out guide The prominent and well established national UK charity to champion and promote inclusion based on sexuality and gender both for individuals and institutions.
The Trevor Project Information and resources to support young LGBT+ people.
Human Rights Commission - coming out guide 
 Another useful guide about coming out.
Student Minds Covers all mental health support but has a section on LGBT+ resources specifically aimed at students.


LGBTQIA Identity at University

A look at identity through transition periods from a LGBTQIA perspective.


Android or iOS Apps (most apps that we recommend are those suggested in the NHS Apps Library)

Resource Description
The School of Life Has a wide range of topics about all aspects of emotional dilemmas, experiences described in a simple but non-judgemental language. Contains videos, chat function and webinars you can join in on particular topics.
Trevor resources Not an app, but a lot of accessible LGBTQ resources

Places to get help

Local and national organisations and websites.

Resource Description
SAYIT Local youth support project aimed at young people. Uses creative activities to educate and promote equality in the Sheffield region. You can get involved in a variety of ways: as a volunteer, user and support this vibrant organisation.
SU LGBT Society The student's Union has a wide range of societies and interest groups and supports students to campaign and connect with each other. This includes sharing information, organising activities, getting involved and socialising with people who can share your interests.
Sheffield Mind  Local mental health organisation who offer support for LGBTQ issues.