Staff profiles

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  3. Staff profiles


Gair Andy Senior Lecturer
Gan Bee Head of Global Academic Development
Gandy Dr Niall Lecturer in GIS
Garcia Carol Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy
Gardiner Dr Katherine Senior Lecturer in Management
Gardiner Dr Philip Senior Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry
Garner Dr Iain Dean of College, Social Science and Arts
Garner Dr Iain Dean of College, Social Science and Arts
Garner Dr Iain Dean of College, Social Science and Arts
Garner Dr Tom Senior Lecturer of Interactive Technologies
Garrow Nigel Finance, Accounting And Business Systems
Gaudoin Dr. Jotham Senior Lecturer
Gebreslassie Dr Mulualem Gebregiorgis Transforming Lives Fellow & Associate Professor
Gent Dr Susannah Senior lecturer (Film and Media Production)
Georgopoulos Associate Professor Nik Associate Professor in Cell Biology & Transforming Lives Fellow
Gharib Dr Ajmal Senior Lecturer Computing
Gibbons Dr Alison Reader in Contemporary Stylistics
Giglitto Dr Danilo Associate Lecturer
Gilbertson Jan Senior Research Fellow
Gilhooly Sophie Lecturer
Gill Dr Jameson Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Gilligan Dr Christine Senior Lecturer Department of Management, PhD academic tutor and MRes Business Course Leader
Gillin Julie Senior Lecturer in Journalism
Gillis Richard Lecturer in Food Science and Technology
Gillott Alexander
Giove Dr Sam Director of Sheffield Business School
Giusti Dr Giulio Senior Lecturer in Modern Languages & European Cinema
Glaves Angela Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
Glentworth Dr Joe Lecturer in Environmental Management and Environmental Science
Glover Ian Senior Lecturer
Goel Dr Mukesh Senior Lecturer
Goldschmied Dr Anita Z Senior Lecturer Learning Disability Nursing and Social Work
Goldsmith Simon Research Fellow
Gomez Cardenas Dr Myriam Lecturer in International Business
Goodall Jake Lecturer
Goodby Professor John Professor of Arts and Culture
Goodier Anthony Principal Lecturer and Head of Area, Built Environment
Goodwill Dr. Simon Head of Sports Engineering
Goodwin Dr Sarah Senior Lecturer in Law and Criminology
Gordon Sarah Senior Lecturer in Primary Education and Early Years, Course leader PGCE in Early Years / Primary Education
Gorst Dr Jonathan Deputy Head, Department of Management
Grace Dr Jamie Senior Lecturer in Law
Grafton Dr Kate Deputy Head Of Department
Graham Caroline Physiotherapy Lecturer
Graham Dr David Principal Lecturer
Grant John Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Construction and Climate Change
Grantham Helen Projects Researcher
Gratton Elena Adult Nurse Lecturer
Gray Francis Senior Lecturer
Grayson Amy Postdoctoral Researcher
Greaves Paul Lecturer of Sport
Green David Senior Lecturer / Professional Development Facilitator
Green Emma
Green Paula Principal Lecturer
Green Dr Stephen Senior Research Fellow
Gregory Maxine Senior Research Fellow
Grey Amy Independent Member
Grierson Karen Associate lecturer
Griffith Peter Senior Lecturer in Law
Griffith Vanessa Senior Lecturer
Griffiths Dr Kerry Senior Research Fellow
Griffiths Teri-Lisa Senior Lecturer
Grint Ken Lecturer in Creative Media
Grinter Hayley Senior Lecturer
Grinvalds Natalie Workplace Wellness Practitioner
Grover Peter Head of Educational Partnerships and Skills
Guilford Martine Senior Lecturer In Occupational Therapy
Gurman Jane Senior Lecturer
Gurney Dr Anita Head of Research Services
Gwilt Dr Alison Reader in Fashion and Sustainability

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