
Staff profiles

Adam Professor Emeritus Alison Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and Society
Akhgar Professor Babak Professor of Informatics and Director of CENTRIC
Atherton Michelle Senior Lecturer in Fine Art
Atkinson Professor Paul Professor of Design and Design History
Autogena Lise Professor of Cross-Disciplinary Art
Bairstow John
Ball Nigel Senior Lecturer in Design
Banks Professor James Professor of Criminology
Bassi Dr Camila Senior Lecturer in Human Geography
Bates Dr Chris Principal Lecturer in Software Engineering, Graphics and Multimedia
Battle Steve Packaging Technologist
Batty Steven Senior Lecturer of Interior Architecture & Design, and Level 4 Lead, Collaborative Course Leader at INTI, Malaysia
Billau Sally Senior Lecturer in Interior Design
Blohm Jane Senior Lecturer
Bowman Pamela Principal Lecturer
Brewster Ben Researcher
Brown Chloë Senior Lecturer
Butler Dr Rose Senior Lecturer Fine Art
Canter Dr Lily Senior Lecturer in Journalism
Chamberlain Professor Paul Co-Director C3RI, Head of Art and Design Research Centre, Director of Lab4Living and Director of Design Futures
Clarke Associate Professor David Associate Professor
Colley Rachael Senior Lecturer in Jewellery and Metalwork
Corazzo Associate Professor James Teaching & Learning Portfolio Lead & Principal Lecturer Graphic Design
Cotterrell Professor David Director of Research Institute (Culture & Creativity)
Counsell Alison Senior Lecturer
Craig Dr Claire Professor of Design and Creative Practice in Health
Cunliffe-Charlesworth Dr Hilary Principal Lecturer in Media and Public Relations and Department Lead for Learning Teaching and Assessment
Davey Steffi Researcher (Interactive Design)
Day Tony Head of Technology and Development
Dearden Professor Andy Professor of Interactive Systems Design
Dein Jenny Senior Lecturer in Secondary Education
Deller Dr Ruth Reader in Media and Communication
Dexter Matt Research Associate
Di Nuovo Professor Alessandro Professor of Machine Intelligence
Doherty Dr Kathy Head of Postgraduate Research
Domdouzis Konstantinos Senior Lecturer
Dulake Nick Senior Industrial Designer
Durber Jeff Senior Lecturer, Collaborative Course Leader BA Jewellery and Metalwork (SHU/SHAPE Hong Kong)
Edgar Matt Principal Lecturer in Graphic Design and Operational Lead for Visual Communication
Evans Richard Principal Lecturer and Quality Lead for the Department of Art & Design
Fisher Mark Course Leader
Ford Lee Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design
Gent Dr Susannah Senior lecturer (Film and Media Production)
Gillott Alexander
Goodby Professor John Professor of Arts and Culture
Grantham Helen Projects Researcher
Grint Ken Lecturer in Creative Media
Gwilt Dr Alison Reader in Fashion and Sustainability
Hall Christopher Senior Lecturer, Digital Post Production
Hanson Maria Course Leader
Hartle Stephanie Senior Lecturer
Hawley Glyn
Heath Professor Virginia Professor of Film
Hirsch Laurie Senior Lecturer in Computing
Honnor Alison Impact Manager
Hudson Frazer Senior Lecturer - Illustration
Jarvinen Dr Aki Subject Group Leader
Johnson Professor Esther Professor of Film and Media Arts
Jones Anthony Principal Industrial Designer at Design Futures
Judge Marie Senior Lecturer
Kilby Dr Laura Head of Centre for Culture Media and Society
Kirkby John Creative Director Design Futures Packaging
Kivland Dr Sharon Reader in Fine Art
Knight Chris Senior Lecturer in Jewellery and Metalwork
Lazenby Michèle Senior Lecturer
Leader Mark Senior Lecturer
Leaver Jackie Senior Lecturer
Lee Jeremy Principal Lecturer in Creative Media
Lee Joanne Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design
Leitão Roxanne Researcher
Levick-Parkin Dr Melanie MFA Design Course Leader, Senior Lecturer Design
Lewis Justin Senior Lecturer Media Arts
Lindley Shirley Knowledge Transfer Manager
Ling Dr Yuen Senior Lecturer
Lockley Dr Eleanor Research Fellow
Machin Timothy Gallery Manager
Macqueen Peter Principal Lecturer
Mallett Dr Rebecca Principal Lecturer
Marchang Dr Jims Sr. Lecturer and Research Co-Lead of Technological and Digital Innovations to Promote Independent Lives in AWRC
McCarthy Reader in Fine Art Penny Reader in Fine Art
McCormack TC Senior Lecturer in Fine Art
McDonald Kieran Senior Lecturer
McSeveny Dr Kerry Senior Lecturer, Postgraduate Research Tutor - Media, Communication & Film
Morrish David Senior Fashion Academic and Student Experience Lead for Art & Design
Mwitondi Dr Kassim Senior Lecturer
O'Brien Sinead Specialist Visiting Lecturer
O'Dubhghaill Dr Cóilín Senior Research Fellow
Palmer Dr Nicola Head of Doctoral Training
Partridge Rebecca Design Researcher
Phelan Ivan Principal Research Fellow
Phillips Mark Course Leader
Pollard Andy Course Leader for MA Arts and Cultural Management and Senior Lecturer
Pranggono Dr Bernardi Senior Lecturer in Computer Network Engineering
Reed Heath
Reeve Hester Reader in Fine Art
Roast Dr Christopher Reader
Robinson Andrew Senior Lecturer in Film and Photography
Robson John Senior Lecturer in Design and Technology Education
Roddis Professor Jim Professor of Design, Emeritus Professor
Rodgers Dr Diane Senior Lecturer
Rodriguez-Amat Dr Joan Principal Lecturer, Department Research and Innovation Lead
Roe Julie Project Co-ordinator of Design Futures and Lab4Living
Rucklidge Joanna Senior Lecturer in Illustration & Graphic Design
Saunders Jonathan Researcher (Serious Games Developer)
Shin Dr Chi-Yun Principal Lecturer, Film Studies
Simmonds Gary Senior Lecturer and Course Leader
Southern Dr Neil Senior Lecturer
Speidel Dr Suzanne Principal Lecturer
Stanford Dean
Stanton Andy Creative and Technical Design Researcher
Stirling Dr Eve Principal Lecturer Design, Subject Group Leader Post Graduate and Fine Art
Summers Dean Course Leader for BA (Hons) and MArt Film and Media Production
Tan Dr Michael Associate Professor
Ternan Melvyn Senior Lecturer
Vallance Rachel Senior Lecturer of Interior Design
Waddington Nick Studio Manager
Waudby Carolyn Senior Lecturer
Webb Neil Senior Lecturer in Sound Design
Westerman Julie Senior Lecturer
Whitehead Jennifer
Wild Sarah Research Institute Manager
Willett Rebecca Senior Lecturer and Course Leader in Journalism, PR with Media
Willox Matt
Wilson David Course Leader in Creative Media
Wilson Professor Keith Research Professor of Sculpture
Wood Jonathan Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design
Wright Ron Senior Lecturer in Sound
Young Gordon Principal Lecturer in Design, Regional and Global Engagement Lead
Yoxall Dr Alaster Principal Research Fellow in Human Centered Engineering
Zellweger Professor Christoph Professor of Art and Design

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